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HOD vs SL Core

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Another question from me:


One more thought to consider: Between SL Core 3 and WP, I have chosen SL Core 3. I had also planned to use SL Science 2.


THEN...I looked at HOD. I already have several of those books and kind of wonder if doing the history and science together with HOD Bigger Hearts for His Glory wouldn't be better overall with less $ spent.


Am I insane?

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No, I've secretly switched to HOD for next year (shhhh, don't tell anyone :D). After all the research and praying and sweating, and agonizing (not to mention my posts on here), I knew HOD would be perfect for my 1st grader, but I couldn't figure out what to do with my 4th grader. I want to do American History with her, but Sonlight is a lot (especially when you just can't combine your kids). I finally posted over on the HOD boards to get advice and they were VERY helpful and kind. They even gave me some advice regarding scheduling if I decided to do Sonlight and HOD! I finally feel at peace about our decision. We're going to do "Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory" with my 1st grader and "Bigger Hearts for His Glory" with the extension package with my 4th grader. I'm not buying the science for my 4th grader because we're doing Jeannie Fulbright's "Flying Creatures of the 5th Day." I'm also going to use DITHOR with my 4th grader. Carrie herself will reply to your questions and is very gracious and kind in giving advice.


Some other reasons I am going with HOD next year:


1. From what I understand, as the students progress in the program, they work more and more independently, giving you more time with your younger ones. That was VERY appealing to me.


2. The price and the volume are right. Except for the spines, the "Story time" books are all at my local library (or I own them). That is going to save me some money! I am using Sonlight Core 2 this year, and we aren't using half the books scheduled. I borrowed it from a friend, but it got me thinking about all the money I was going to spend on ONE child next year, and was I even going to use half of the books?! With HOD, I'm going to spend the same or less for two children as one of the cores was going to cost me. I can always add books from the library if we need more, but I'm realizing with two students, we actually need less!


3. I like having it all laid out for me :) I like a script even if I don't use it. That way, I have little to no prep and I don't spend all my free time doing "lesson plans." I was spending a ton of time re-creating what Carrie has done. When I realized that's what I was doing, I made the decision to stop and use HOD.


So, there's my testimony. No, you're not insane, you're just trying to find the best fit for your family like the rest of us. I'm so at peace right now, I can't even tell you what it's like! For the first time EVER I am excited about starting a new year and confident about the curriculum I've chosen. If you're curious, hop on over to their message boards and ask away. There are even women who ask questions and post they've decided to go with something else. No one bashes them or judges them. They are a very Godly, gracious group of women over there who are more than happy to help.




AKA Bibliophile on HOD; coffeefreak on WTM

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Thank you so much! HOD looks good and utilizes many of the books I already have here. I like that a few readers are involved as well. I am mostly just trying to do History/geog/Science through HOD. I think it looks like such a good fit. I love Sonlight. I don't so much love the price of Sonlight. Considering my entire budget for two kids this year was just over the cost of one core + science from Sonlight...well....

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Am I insane?


No, but walking away from the curriculum decision for a while might be a good idea. I mean that in the kindest possible way! When I start feeling like I'm crazed and start second guessing every decision -which appears that you may be doing- I just take a break from it. A few weeks break really help me regain my clarity.


That said....


I always go with the least expensive option. It is easier to recover from a $50 mistake then a $500 mistake. KWIM?


There are soooo many options nowadays it was sooo much easier in the good ol' days when your options were Abeka, Sonlight, and Konos. :lol: Can you tell I was homeschooling pre-WTM? Yikes!


You already have some good curriculum options that you are using. What is working really well for you? If it is working well for you put on your blinders and keep at it! There is no such thing as a "perfect" curriculum so if something is working for you don't switch just because someone raves about another product. Don't even read those posts if it is going to make you question what is happening already in your home.


Your "perfect" curriculum is the one you enjoy teaching, that the child is making progress with and keeps dad happy with homeschooling. So if you need to make a change look at potential curriculum with that criteria.


Will you enjoy using it?


Do you think that your child could make progress with it?


Will it keep dad happy with homeschooling?


Of your options that meet all 3 criteria choose the least expensive option.


As long as you are honest with answering those questions you should be ok! Remember question isn't.....what would the hive think of this, will my homeschooling friends approve, is it on CD's top 100 list, or is it in the WTM, etc. All those resources are great for looking at options and getting opinions but ultimately YOU need to teach it and the YOUR child needs to learn from it.


Best of luck, mama! We've all BTDT......

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Another question from me:


One more thought to consider: Between SL Core 3 and WP, I have chosen SL Core 3. I had also planned to use SL Science 2.


THEN...I looked at HOD. I already have several of those books and kind of wonder if doing the history and science together with HOD Bigger Hearts for His Glory wouldn't be better overall with less $ spent.


Am I insane?


Hello! :)

I OWN both SL 3 and HOD Bigger. And it is a tough decision.

(I bought/used SL 3 with my boys five years ago, then bought HOD Bigger for my dd this year while in California, but never had the chance to use it.)


Both are great programs and I've been really giving a LOT of thought to what I should use for this child.


I think though I've decided to use HOD.


I think that the history spine will be more interesting and on level than the spine used in SL (for this particular child). Ditto for some of the read alouds.


While SL provides map work and timeline work it never seemed to get done around here. I think with HOD it will get done because it is more than just looking at a map or a globe.


While I loved all the SL books I did not like the schedule. OK...I take that back. I LOVED the schedule because I love checking boxes. But we could never seem to stay on schedule. Which I hated. There just never seemed to be a stopping point. You'd get to the end of your read aloud, but you'd be in the middle of the reader. And I could not keep my children reading on schedule anyway. They flew through those books. So while I loved the schedule it sort of stressed me out at the same time.


With HOD I can schedule readers/read alouds as I want without getting all stressed about the schedule.


I find HOD to be much more flexable.


It offers EASY hands on activities should I want any.


And it is a complete one year history..so that next year I can get back to ancients (I'll have a 9th grader returning to ancients for the last time so we will be on the same page.)


HOD is just so open and go. I don't have to think about anything. If does not take hours to get through. If I find that I have more time I can add more activities. But if I don't then the basics of HOD will get done) This is important as I am going to be SO busy this year with an 8th and 10th grader.


Plus I'm going to use CW Aesop A this year, so I don't need SL's writing prompts (that never got used..which also stressed me out.)


We never even used SL notes for all the books!!!!


So...HOD Bigger it is. I think we are going to enjoy it. :)

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Thanks Rhonda. I am leaning in that direction too. It is less expensive, still encompasses the whole "literature approach to history" thing, and I actually have some of the books already in what I was planning to use before I got into this frantic search.


How are you doing, by the way?! :)


I'm doing good. I'm getting really pumped up for school next fall. Guess I got my umph back after all. I really didn't think I would. I've ordered all my curriculum for next year and am in planning mode right now. Going through everything to see if I have everything I need and figuring out what I need to tweak and how often to cover this and that...and you know.


I have to get all my planning done NOW because I'm scheduled for surgery (reconstruction) in early May (4th or 5th). And I'm dreading it! Physically I feel so good right now I don't want anything to change it. Hopefully though I'll have a fast recovery and no complications so that I have all my energy back in time for school next year.


:) Thanks for asking,

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I have never used Sonlight but drooled over it for months... knowing it was out of my price range.

I am using Little Hearts for His Glory this year and just order Beyond for next fall.

We love it! I don't feel stressed about the schedule. I spread the "boxes" out through out the day, and some days we can easily do 2 days worth if we are behind.

I love how Carrie herself will answer all your questions on the forum.


Prayers to you as you are choosing~

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Not crazy. :) With the ages of your kiddos, I would definitely take a look at HOD. I haven't used it personally, but it looks really good. I tried SL Core 3 this year with a 5th grader and a 2nd grader, and most of the books did not interest my 2nd grader *at all*. (And we have done Cores PreK, K, 1 and 2). We switched to using SOTW vol. 3 with Biblioplan and it's working out really well. My dc like SOTW MUCH more than the spines for Core 3, and the added picture books (D'Aulaire biographies, If You Lived books, etc.) really help to bring my ds in more.


But I agree with the others, sometimes you just need a break from the decision-making process. I am currently agonizing over LA choices for next year, so I'm right there with you! :tongue_smilie:

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No, you aren't crazy. I almost suggested you look at HOD in an earlier thread, but at that point you were considering WP & SL. I've used SL3 (w/older dd) & now I'm doing Bigger and I much, much prefer Bigger. It is fun and I love the choices Carrie's made for the year.


Good luck with your decision!


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I'm doing good. I'm getting really pumped up for school next fall. Guess I got my umph back after all. I really didn't think I would. I've ordered all my curriculum for next year and am in planning mode right now. Going through everything to see if I have everything I need and figuring out what I need to tweak and how often to cover this and that...and you know.


I have to get all my planning done NOW because I'm scheduled for surgery (reconstruction) in early May (4th or 5th). And I'm dreading it! Physically I feel so good right now I don't want anything to change it. Hopefully though I'll have a fast recovery and no complications so that I have all my energy back in time for school next year.


:) Thanks for asking,


I am so glad you are doing well! My prayers for you that your next surgery is a BREEZE. :grouphug:

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I started piecing together Core 3 by purchasing some items from Sheila in OK. Hi, Sheila!


I was pretty sure we would do Core 3 next year (I've been pre-reading some of the books for several months), and then I discovered HOD.


I thought I'd use Bigger Hearts with my second grader and Core 3 or maybe 3/4 with my fifth grader. But, now I have almost everything for Bigger Hearts and it is clearly plenty for my fifth grader. Plenty plenty. We will be using Drawn Into The Heart of Reading also, so I may use some of the SL books for that component of HOD, but I will not be teaching two curricula. I have the book list for suggested titles to use with DITHOR and there are many SL books on the list. Carrie is a previous user of SL and Ambleside Online. She knows good literature. I think she has done an excellent job pulling together top-quality literature and providing a living books curriculum.


I am truly in love with this curriculum. I am. For me, it was an answer to prayer. I am really looking forward to digging into it with my boys. SL is a great curriculum. There are so many good choices. Just keep praying and the Lord will lead you.


If you have any questions about Bigger Hearts, feel free to send an email to me or a PM. The materials are beyond excellent, in my opinion.

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Hi Donna! The funny thing is, I've been drooling over the HOD website myself. I just can't figure out which program might work for my two. We've fairly recently done CHOW with Cores 1 & 2, so that program is out. And we're doing an intro to Am History this year with Biblioplan. Hmmm.


I am considering using DITHOR next year, though.

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Yeah, we just finished CHOW too, but here is my "plan." I figure CHOW will be different this time around because it include the more in depth read alouds. My son has LOVED CHOW.


Am Hist with Bigger this coming year (1st and 5th grades).

Preparing w/extension with my older (6th grade) and Beyond with my younger (2nd grade).

Preparing with younger (3rd grade) and HHTT w/extension for older (7th grade).

HHTT with younger (4th grade) and my older (8th grade) can do the next one that Carrie publishes. :)


ETA: Bigger will work for both this year because I am only doing the History and Science. We do our own thing on English, Reading, Phonics, Bible, and Math. I could definitely NOT use the whole program with my younger this year. However, I do LOVE how they allow you to choose a level up or a level down with each. That really helps me. One day, I really may use this as an all in one, because it already uses stuff I love (like Singapore math!)

Edited by Tree House Academy
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Am Hist with Bigger this coming year (1st and 5th grades).

Preparing w/extension with my older (6th grade) and Beyond with my younger (2nd grade).

Preparing with younger (3rd grade) and HHTT w/extension for older (7th grade).

HHTT with younger (4th grade) and my older (8th grade) can do the next one that Carrie publishes. :)


This looks like a great plan. I love HOD, but we're always a year ahead in terms of ages and history cycles. Waaaahhh!


Only kidding, of course. I've come to a peace with MOH and I enjoy hand-picking literature titles to supplement it.


Looks like you're coming closer to a decision! Please let us know when you hit the "purchase" button. ;)

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