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For a frame of reference, how many peanut butter protein balls do you eat at one time

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I made the WTM recipe this morning and think they're a great idea (even passed the taste test of my pickiest eater). I got to wonder, though, how many would one typically eat for a snack? One? Two? . . .


(Confession: I ate two with my coffee this morning.)


I can eat two and then I'm really full. But my ten year old son? There is apparently no limit.

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I made the WTM recipe this morning and think they're a great idea (even passed the taste test of my pickiest eater). I got to wonder, though, how many would one typically eat for a snack? One? Two? . . .


(Confession: I ate two with my coffee this morning.)


Pls share where I can view this recipe. :-)

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Thanks. I *thought* this might be what you were talking about. :-) I've made this recipe for about 10 years now and I, personally, can't stop at just two. ;-P They are SO good!


My recipe calls for 2.5 c peanut butter, 2 Tbsp Honey, 2 cups powdered milk (can't remember what the WTM recipe called for with out looking back). With this combo you can count on a total of 5223 calories (65% from fat) and 230 g protein

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