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Can people scam through paypal?

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If someone is going to paypal me (non cc), is there any way that their account is not legit? This lady "sounds" like she could be a scammer, but I'm not sure. She says she's not...hmmm


I guess I'm just wondering if once she deposits the money in my acct, is there any possibility that her acct would be fake and I wouldn't get my money?



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Well, one potential problem with Paypal payments is the dispute process, so be SURE that you "dot your I's and cross your Ts" so that you have the proof necessary if she tries to dispute her purchase. I believe that the biggie is that you need to have PROOF from the post office showing that you shipped the item to her VERIFIED address. If she doesn't have a verified address on file then do NOT ship it until she fixes that problem.


The other problem is if she's somehow stolen someone else's Paypal account. I had a friend who accepted paypal payment, shipped the item, only to then have the payment rescinded because it turned out that the buyer had hacked into another person's paypal and paid my friend. The true owner noticed a payment to Paypal that they hadn't authorized, disputed it as fraud and the money was taken away from my friend. Of course, I guess that my friend had followed the advice I gave you in the first paragraph, maybe it wouldn't have happened. To verify your address, Paypal sends you a letter to that address with a code in it....you have to insert that code on paypal as proof that you received it. Probably not impossible to do fraudulently but a little more difficult because of the time involved, plus the send a letter to your default verified address to alert you that this was happening.


I would think that if you're getting bad vibes, perhaps what you should do is contact Paypal and tell them what has occured and see if there is a way that they can verify her account is legit.


What has she said that gives you the bad vibes? And does she have other feedback that is all (or mostly) positive?

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someone stole another person's credit card # or checking account # (can't remember which), but the person set up a paypal account and paid a guy for a cell phone and the guy sent the cell phone and then like a month later, the fraud finally was caught and paypal reversed the payment, so the selller was out the phone and the money.


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OK! Thanks. I'm guessing it is going to be fine since the money came through and she is verified. She just seemed a little "odd". But, I guess oddness doesn't maker her a scammer! LOL!

Thanks for the help! BTW, this was not through the WTM board, but through Craigslist so I didn't want anyone to get the idea that it was a hs mom!


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I'd still be sure to get delivery confirmation on the package. That way you'll have proof of delivery. Just in case...:tongue_smilie: BTW, if you print your shipping label from PayPal, DC is only 18 cents, while it's 75 cents at the PO.

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