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NC Homeschoolers - I need some info on starting h'sing at this point in the year.

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My sister is pulling her daughter (6th grade) out of a private school and wants to homeschool her for the rest of the year. This private school has not been a good situation at all. The public school in her community is a mess and they can't see putting their dd there for the rest of the year either. So, she checked the NC homeschool website and saw that it takes 30 days to get approval. She doesn't have 30 days. She pulled her dd out of school this week. Does anyone understand homeschooling in NC and if she will be able to do what she wants to do? TIA

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When I registered with the state ten years ago it took around one week (give or take a day or two) to receive my card from the state. She MUST keep that card in a safe place, she will need it from now on for various reasons (driver's ed, some colleges have asked for a copy etc).

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Here is the information from the state. I skimmed it but didn't see anything that said 30 days.


Okay, wait a minute, here is your 30 day thing it is number 3 in the list:


Please send your Notice of Intent a month in advance of your home school's initial opening date. If any of your children will turn age 7 before this coming June 1, please send your Notice of Intent at least 30 days before the child's 7th birthday. One Notice of Intent per school, please -- not per student.
This is number 17:
Do not withdraw your child from his/her present school or begin your school until you have received acknowledgment from DNPE that your completed Notice of Intent to Operate a School form has been received


Can your sister go to the DNPE and get her card in person?

Edited by Parrothead
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So, she checked the NC homeschool website and saw that it takes 30 days to get approval. She doesn't have 30 days. She pulled her dd out of school this week. Does anyone understand homeschooling in NC and if she will be able to do what she wants to do? TIA


In NC we notify the state that we are homeschooling, not seek approval from the state.


I think this may be what she's referencing, though:


  1. Please send your Notice of Intent a month in advance of your home school's initial opening date. If any of your children will turn age 7 before this coming June 1, please send your Notice of Intent at least 30 days before the child's 7th birthday. One Notice of Intent per school, please -- not per student.




Honestly, I don't think they would come after her b/c she suddenly decided to homeschool in the middle of a school year.

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Here is the information from the state. I skimmed it but didn't see anything that said 30 days.


Okay, wait a minute, here is your 30 day thing it is number 3 in the list:


This is number 17:



Can your sister go to the DNPE and get her card in person?


I did mention to her that she may want to take a field trip to Raleigh w/her dd and hand deliver it rather than risk that it gets stuck on someone's desk.

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Good catch...I've never noticed that before b/c we've homeschooled from the beginning and never had to deal with withdrawing.



I've been wondering about this all morning though. Since the NCHE site and HSLDA analysis said nothing about having the card before starting homeschooling the way #17 above does, is the requirement part of the actual statute or is it something that department arbitrarily required?


I'd look into it a bit more before panicking.

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