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College Consultants

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From what I've heard, generally not worth the money. Some actually write the entrance essays for the kid (not something I would allow). Good for parents who aren't involved with their kids and want someone else to help them study etc... But for a homeschooler, I think you can do a much better job yourself :)

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What do you think of college consultants?


This article from Business Week tells the tale of one extremely successful consultant.


Personally, I am appalled that some would pay $40K or even $4K for such a service. It seems a disingenuous if the college has been sold a potential bill of goods on a student.


Perhaps there is another side I don't see??



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My employer provides some college consulting as a benefit. They hold seminars for parents on planning for college. I'm involved enough in my daughter's education that I didn't learn anything new during their seminar.


This year I was able to sign up for a free individual consultation. I went over my daughter's transcript and extra curriculars. I found it very helpful. He had enough experience in admissions offices that he was able to give me some perspective on some areas of weakness. I'm glad I had a chance to do this, but I don't think I would have paid for it.


We added another college US History class as a result of this discussion. The consultant thought it was important that we cover US history for an entire year. He also thinks we needed to extend her Sr year English class across the entire year. Just like US History, I had planned to have her take a one semester course at the University/CC to fulfill this requirement. I thought that would be fine because our public schools are on block schedule. But he described how various people in the admissions office will be discussing her transcript and arguing for and against here. There's a chance someone could see these half-year courses as weaknesses. So we decided to do TWTM style history/english for Senior year. And DD is loving her modern American history course at the Univ this semester.


I'm probably going to call them up for some help on the college search. Then again, it's a free resource for me.

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I'm glad you brought this up. I didn't know that there were businesses outside of the schools and colleges with college consultants. It would be worth looking into for families with children that have strong academic skills and are on a college path. This sounds good, not for the purpose of selling a "disingeneous" bill of goods, but to help the child with good planning and class subject choices. Mom and Dad do not always know what all of the options are.

I would not want someone else to be writing essays for my child, but I would appreciate it if they advised my child to work on their writing skills, if they needed to.


It sounds like this would be something to shop around for , until you find a good fit at a reasonable price.

Edited by Miss Sherry
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