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How many Vineyard Music fans do we have here?

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I love Vineyard music. I met dh at the original Vineyard in Anaheim, CA almost 20 years ago when John Wimber was still running things. I love anything by Eddie Espinosa ... actually I love it all. It's really the music that nurtured my soul when I was a new Christian. We moved to Missouri about three years ago, dh bought me an MP3 player and the first thing I began to do was look for Vineyard music. I asked some of our new friends if they were familiar with it and was surprised to hear they'd never heard of it. All I could think was maybe Vineyard was a West Coast thing. Michelle

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original Vineyard in Anaheim, CA almost 20 years ago when John Wimber was still running things.


I'm envious! I would have loved to experience a John Wimber worship service.


My favorite artists, Chris Tomlin and Matt Redman, are not on the Vineyard label, but their songs are frequently sung at our Vineyard. I like all of their recordings. If you're searching, you might see if you can find anything written or performed by Michael Hanson. He's the former worship leader of Vineyard Columbus and has written some good stuff.



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Did you mean to say that there was anything but Vineyard Worship music . . . . :lol:


We all day love worship music -- in fact, my dear friends have an entire list of Fab Vineyard music. I wonder if he could email you his playlist? If you PM me with your email address, I'll do my best for you!




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I love Vineyard music. I met dh at the original Vineyard in Anaheim, CA almost 20 years ago when John Wimber was still running things. I love anything by Eddie Espinosa ... actually I love it all. It's really the music that nurtured my soul when I was a new Christian. We moved to Missouri about three years ago, dh bought me an MP3 player and the first thing I began to do was look for Vineyard music. I asked some of our new friends if they were familiar with it and was surprised to hear they'd never heard of it. All I could think was maybe Vineyard was a West Coast thing. Michelle


Vineyard was totally a west coast movement, but we've arrived out here in the East. woot woot! You can't imagine my shock and awe when I first stumbled onto the Vineyard . . . no suits, no flowery dresses, no tabernacle choir, no fake flowers in the foyer (not that there's anything wrong with those things :). . . it was the most refreshing Sunday morning I'd ever experienced in my whole 31 years of living.


It was the real thing. I've never looked back.


(slinking away after doing the song & dance on my Vineyard Soapbox)


Love, T

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I love Vineyard music. I met dh at the original Vineyard in Anaheim, CA almost 20 years ago when John Wimber was still running things. I love anything by Eddie Espinosa ... actually I love it all. It's really the music that nurtured my soul when I was a new Christian. We moved to Missouri about three years ago, dh bought me an MP3 player and the first thing I began to do was look for Vineyard music. I asked some of our new friends if they were familiar with it and was surprised to hear they'd never heard of it. All I could think was maybe Vineyard was a West Coast thing. Michelle


I am friends with a couple that have told me the same thing. They met during the Wimber days, etc., etc. LOL! I had not heard of Vineyard music until I met them a few years ago. Many of the songs are familiar worship songs, but I did not know where they had come from.


Yes, I too love the music because it is soul nurturing. I visited a Vineyard church in another town a few months ago and the music was outstanding!


Thanks for your post,


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Did you mean to say that there was anything but Vineyard Worship music . . . . :lol:


We all day love worship music -- in fact, my dear friends have an entire list of Fab Vineyard music. I wonder if he could email you his playlist? If you PM me with your email address, I'll do my best for you!





Oh, I am so in agreement with you! You can get on your soapbox anytime, Sweetpeach! 90% of what I listen to is worship music. The other 10% is either classical or some other instrumental.


Thanks for the offer of music. I tried that once with a friend but because of copyright laws it was not transferable on the iPod. I do have a lot already though, and plan to buy more albums whenever I get iTunes gift cards -- which seems to be pretty often anymore with my family.




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