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Elson Readers--reprints by Lost Classics or the originals?


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Hi everyone!


I'd really like to get the 4th and 5th grade Elson readers for my two older children next year, but I can't decide between finding an original copy or going with the reprints by Lost Classics. Does anyone know of a reason to chose one over the other? Are they substantially the same, content wise?


I'm also wondering about the Teacher's Guides. Does anyone have an opinion of them? I don't honestly think we'd use the workbook pages, but I would be interested in comprehension questions or literary helps for the teacher. Any recommendations?


Thanks so much for your help!


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I've been using the reprints from Lost Classics and have bought the teacher's guide for both grades. I really don't use it all that much, mainly because at this age, we're not doing much in depth analysis. I do think their assignments are good, though. I just found myself with too many curricula and not enough time. Between R&S English, Writing Tales, Latin, and the readers, the Elson assignments get left behind. I have thoroughly enjoyed the readers, and we keep up on them. For the poetry, we read them together, aloud, and discuss the poems. For the longer selections, my ds reads them, and then I use the questions in the TM. Sometimes we do assignments......

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Thank you so much, everyone! I appreciate all the replies!


Jan - thanks for confirming there are samples at the Lost Classics page. I thought I'd looked everywhere, but I couldn't find them. Your post encouraged me to try again, and I finally found them!


Heathersage - Thanks for the links! I was able to compare the originals and the reprints, and they appear to be very close in content.


Butterfly and Shasta Mom - I appreciate the feedback! I love the look of the Teacher's Guide, but I too, am wondering how much I'll use them. Decisions, decisions. I've bought too much curricula lately that I'm not using! ;) I do like the review questions to use for accountability.


Thanks again!

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