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Public speaking on Budgeting...would love your insights

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What do you wish you did better with your budget? ex: weekly financial talks, make a budget, more detail etc.


Do you have a weekly grocery/menu plan?


Do you usually exceed your monthly budget?


How has your budget changed your life?


What financial tips do you offer your children?


What are your favorite websites for money management?


Do you use the Dave Ramsey method?




Your all the best!

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I think it really depends on your audience. Are you speaking to budgeting beginners? Or people who already have a budget in place and are looking to tweak it?


I have a really good handle on our budget and our only debt is our house. So, I wouldn't need the basics kind of talk. What I would like is a meeting where I could go and share how I did during the week or month. Maybe share ideas about how to save even more money. Things like that.


We are very open about our budget with our children. They know how much dad makes and how much we budget in certain categories. The kids help us by turning off lights and taking short showers because they know that any money under our budget we are for gas/electric/etc. goes straight into our vacation account!! We're very open about debt and savings. I hope to create four little savers!!


Good luck with your talk!!

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Here's my one big tip: Cancel Covetousness before it starts


-do not go into a store unless you know what you want & you have a list

-do not watch advertising on the tv

-do not read flyers except for grocery items, or if you're actively price-checking for an item you've already decided to purchase


Too often we tend to see something new, or on sale or just interesting & we end up wanting it or outright buying it - when if we just hadn't seen it, we would have merrily gone on our way without spending that $.

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