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Introductory Logic....should I wait?


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Do you think Introductory Logic is appropriate to start with an 8th grader who started classical ed in the middle? She has been through the mind bender books but not Anita R's Critical Thinking books (WTM recommendations). Or would it be better to start it in 9th grade? I didn't really care for the Critical Thinking books and was hoping to go ahead and start.



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I think it would be "appropriate". But, you should probably head over to the high school board and search for the logic threads over there.


Our experience this year (with an 8th grader who started hs'ing in 5th gr) was that Intro Logic was easy enough to understand, but there wasn't enough instruction or practice for the knowledge to stick. After watching the first lecture in "How to be a Superstar Student" last night, I think I understand why - because we simply had no prior knowledge of logic (even after doing Mind Benders and the Dandylion Logic books) that connected with the Intro/Logic material.


We quit Intro at the point which just happened to coincide with the sample chapter available for Traditional Logic by Memoria Press:




This course has always been highly recommended on the high school board for students who are doing Algebra in 8th grade. I should have listened! BTW - SWB said in Atlanta that from now on she will be recommending Traditional with the DVD's over the Introductory, so I think either one would be good.

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We started classical ed in the middle, too, and so we waited until 9th grade for formal logic. I think that the timing of Introductory Logic needs to be suited to your student rather than forced at a given age. How well is she handling more abstract thinking and analysis? These principles are very new to students. Is she disciplined to hunker down and grapple with these ideas? What math courses is she taking, and how well is she handling the disciplined thinking that courses like algebra and geometry require? These questions may give you some information from which to make your decision. There's nothing wrong with doing logic in 9th grade if that is when your daughter is ready to really profit from it!

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It really depends on your student. My three oldest did Introductory Logic last year in co-op -- they were 7th, 8th and 10th. My 7th and 8th graders did at least as well (and better on some exams) than my 10th grader. I didn't teach the class, though, so I have only peripheral knowledge of the course.




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