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Protein powder, vegetarianism and depression?

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Dh and I found out just this weekend that 16yos has been feeling depressed. We are waiting to hear back from the doctor for an appointment to be evaluated. In the meantime, he agreed to start taking a multivitamin/fish oil daily. I was also reading that protein powder may help in depression. He is a vegetarian, and while he does eat eggs and cheese, his diet is predominantly carbohydrates.


What kind of protein powder should I get and how much should he intake?

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As someone who grew up veg*n and is sensitive to the ridiculous but present "real vegetarians don't eat x, y, or z" debate, I hesitate to suggest this ... but since he has agreed to the oil, won't he consider adding small amounts of fish to his diet directly? Two birds with one stone, protein at its source plus the oils. Disclaimer that I'm leery of protein powders just because the few brands I've seen tend to have so much filler that (IMO) kind of negate the benefits of the supplement when protein is so easily come by other places.


There are tons of fabulous veg*n recipes that incorporate non-animal protein (tempeh, beans, et cetera - not just tofu) into mainstream dinner faves. If he is a big carbo eater, it should be even easier to add veg*n sources of protein into things he already likes to eat.


I do think protein (and B vitamins) are influential to one's moods, including exacerbating a depressive state. It sounds like you are right on top of the problem, and I wish your family well as you navigate these waters.

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I do think protein (and B vitamins) are influential to one's moods, including exacerbating a depressive state.


So are you saying a lack of protein and B vitamins can exacerbate depression? I've not heard this before and it's a very interesting concept.



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The Brain Diet. It is excellent and filled with research for all kinds of brain related issues including depression. I would really recommend ordering it from your library. It will tell you what you can eat/supplement with to really help (along with professional care).

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I am a vegetarian (no dairy, either) and I have to add b complex and flax oil supplements into my diet. I am a runner so my protein intake is a very big deal for me, too. I find that I can easily feel depressed when my energy is actually lagging and I really need to pay attention to what I am putting into my body! I have to watch my iron intake, too, because I have a tendency to get pretty low on that which also makes me feel depressed and/or tired and sluggish. I eat a ton a spinach, kidney beans, kale, garbanzo beans, tofu, and black beans and rice. I think going the dr. route is great and it is fantastic that you are working toward a solution to the depression. A depressed 16 year old is a very big deal! :001_smile:

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I haven't had much time to check in as I've been on the phone most of the day trying to make arrangements for ds to be seen. Wow, some places had waiting lists of 2 to 3 months, but I finally got ds an appointment tomorrow afternoon for an evaluation.


You know, he is the only vegetarian in the family, so I don't think his diet has been very balanced. We will look into some adjustments in that area. He also has sensory issues so some foods are not appealing to him.


I appreciate everyone's help and input.

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Just a quick reply, but I was a vegetarian with a mostly carb diet for years and know for sure that i was not getting enough protein. Depression was a constant companion.....protein helps the brain function as it ought.....once i started eating meat, I was a new person. Meat did not cure my depresssion, but it certainly helped me to see life through more hopeful eyes and to have more energy. I need meat....some may not, but I do.

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