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HS Moms, help with this math panic??

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I have dc going into 6th. I had planned to complete R&S 8 then go directly into algebra. But now I'm panicing. A friend of mine really insists that to do well on the SAT they need to be getting into Saxon. I REALLY do not like Saxon.




Should I skip a grade in R&S? We are beginning R&S 6 now; should I just go directly to R&S 7? Or should I teach R&S 6 and 7 in the same year (there is so much review!) Then go to a pre-algebra in 7th?


Should I go from R&S 6 to a pre-algebra in 7th? (I'm looking at Chalk Dust).


How do I prepare these kids to do well on the SAT??


Many many thanks and blessings for you as you help me through this panic.



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I have dc going into 6th. I had planned to complete R&S 8 then go directly into algebra. But now I'm panicing. A friend of mine really insists that to do well on the SAT they need to be getting into Saxon. I REALLY do not like Saxon.




Should I skip a grade in R&S? We are beginning R&S 6 now; should I just go directly to R&S 7? Or should I teach R&S 6 and 7 in the same year (there is so much review!) Then go to a pre-algebra in 7th?


Should I go from R&S 6 to a pre-algebra in 7th? (I'm looking at Chalk Dust).


How do I prepare these kids to do well on the SAT??


Many many thanks and blessings for you as you help me through this panic.




Why on earth would it be necessary to use Saxon to do well on the SAT? There are thousands of students all over the country (plus students from other countries who want to attend college in the US) who have used any number of other programs and done well on the SAT.


What you need is a math program that you and your students relate well to that teaches upper level math well. If Rod and Staff works well for them, finish that program and go into the algebra program of your choice.


Or, if you want to start Algebra 1 in 8th grade instead of 9th, you might condense the last 3 years of Rod and Staff into 2 years of school. Since Rod and Staff contains a lot of review, you could leave out some of that to allow you to finish 1.5 books per year in 6th and 7th, then start algebra in 8th.


If the algebra book you choose is part of a series that offers pre-algebra, you could also just finish Rod and Staff 6th, use the pre-algebra book from your chosen series in 7th, and move on to the corresponding algebra book in 8th.

Edited by Spock
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Thanks Spock. What you say makes sense. Why am I so worried? I am going into the world of the unknown. I'm not quite sure R&S will prepare my kids well enough. I've looked at Saxon 7/6 and it is very different, much more abstract. I feels like I'm making my children behind the others by keeping them in R&S. Still, I don't see why such abstract concepts need to be pushed down to 6th grade! And some are doing Saxon 8/7 in 6th grade! It just seems too much. My gut tells me to wait for a little more brain development before bringing out the more advanced math.

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Tell your friend to mind her own business. LOL. Your kids are young. Stop worrying. There are lots of kids who don't start algebra until 9th grade and they still do well on the SATs. There are also kids who use Saxon and do horrible on the SATs. You know your kids best. Do what works for you and stop worrying!



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In fact, I don't personally know anyone who did Saxon and did well on the SAT. (Actually, I don't know anyone who is using Saxon and I do know lots of people who did well on the SAT :D)


I bet most of the people who get 800 on the math section have never heard of Saxon.


Dc are going through the SAT prep books now. In each math section, there is only one or two problems that could be called geometry or algebra II. So, if your focus is the SAT in 11th grade, knowing the math facts, decimals and fractions backwards and forwards is more important than starting algebra in 8th.

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DD started algebra I in grade 6. Had we waiting another year, I think she would have moved more easily through algebra I. Now that she's 15, she's really starting to cook--especially since we decided that taking a year and half to cover pre-calculus would be just fine. Every year I see more sophisticated thinking. DS has the advantage of being number 2--so we waited for grade 7 to start algebra. He has moved through it without a hitch--but he also clearly has a real gift for math. Different kids, different abilities. I think you are wise to wait until you think your kids can comfortably handle the material. Better to know less material well than lots of material poorly.


I've never liked Saxon--and there are plenty in this camp. You might want to look around at the other options for high school math. We used MUS through pre-algebra/algebra, but I switched to Jacobs/Foerster because I thought they suited my kids' styles better.

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Hi Penny, that's my name too.....I have 2 kids who used Saxon up to Advanced Math then took the PSAT. Their math scores were average.... both got 53. They did worse on Geometry-type questions on the test. It was only *after* they worked through Chalkdust's SAT review that their scores went up to the 600s. So you don't need Saxon necessarily :)


PS Most of my kids are using Chalkdust now and are happier.......

Edited by langfam
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Thanks Penny, Ruth, Ria, and Spock. I guess I just needed some re-assurance. I feel somewhat lost going into the middle school years and preparing for HS - College. It's sad but I won't have the experience to do this until I've already done it! I really worry about R&S being enough, but I love the concrete way it approaches math for this age group.


Right now the plan is to begin Chalk Dust pre-algebra in 7th. I'd love to hear objections/or ideas about this.





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Chalkdust Prealgebra in 7th is a great plan. My 7th grader is using it now. 3 of my older kids had used Saxon Alg. 1/2 for Prealgebra. It was torture each time. Using Chalkdust this year makes us so much happier. I love the chapter reviews because it shows me very clearly which areas DS might need work on. Usually it's some small thing that needs tweaking and we can go back to the section and just review *that* concept. I might do the odds while he watches and he'll do the evens. This really helps me to clarify for him any misconceptions he has. The cumulative reivews after the test are really helpful too. He works on math one hour day. He just stops wherever is is and picks up the next day. We started mid-August and are now on Chapter 8, so it's progressing very nicely. Dr. Mosely too is an excellent teacher!

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Thanks Spock. What you say makes sense. Why am I so worried? I am going into the world of the unknown. I'm not quite sure R&S will prepare my kids well enough. I've looked at Saxon 7/6 and it is very different, much more abstract. I feels like I'm making my children behind the others by keeping them in R&S. Still, I don't see why such abstract concepts need to be pushed down to 6th grade! And some are doing Saxon 8/7 in 6th grade! It just seems too much. My gut tells me to wait for a little more brain development before bringing out the more advanced math.


Follow your gut! I made the mistake of thinking my son was ready for 8/7 in 6th----it was a disaster. At the time, I had no idea of the concrete/abstract thing and I REALLY wish I had. We have slowed waaay down, and he will still hit Algebra 1 in 8th---but he will be ready for it. No more daily Math Meltdown!:tongue_smilie:

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