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Soph theVet - my pomeranian is loosing his teeth

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I am not a vet, but I do have experience with this. Most of the time, it is gingivitis. My cats had it BAD and I didn't realize it until Blue lost one of the big front teeth. :( Unfortunately, we had to have his teeth cleaned after this and he lost 7! We didn't know any better and had fed him wet food only for about 11 years. His teeth and gums were so infected, he had to take antibiotics for a bit even after the teeth were pulled. Now we brush all of the animals' teeth. It is not FUN, but it must be done. We also have them cleaned professionally under anesthesia every 3-5 years. Again, not fun...but necessary. I am sorry this is happening to your dog. I hope it is not as bad as my cat was.

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I am not a vet, but I do have experience with this. Most of the time, it is gingivitis. My cats had it BAD and I didn't realize it until Blue lost one of the big front teeth. :( Unfortunately, we had to have his teeth cleaned after this and he lost 7! We didn't know any better and had fed him wet food only for about 11 years. His teeth and gums were so infected, he had to take antibiotics for a bit even after the teeth were pulled. Now we brush all of the animals' teeth. It is not FUN, but it must be done. We also have them cleaned professionally under anesthesia every 3-5 years. Again, not fun...but necessary. I am sorry this is happening to your dog. I hope it is not as bad as my cat was.

Tree House has probably pegged this accurately.

Unfortunately, some breeds are more prone to poor dental health no matter what you do! Yorkies, Poms, Westies, etc. are in for dental issues all the time. I would recommend a good dental checkup and cleaning. Your vet may end up having to pull other bad teeth and they can x-ray to see if roots are in trouble. Brushing the teeth, feeding dental treats, dry food, nyla bones, etc. all may help. Often these dogs need to be on Clindamycin periodically just to keep bacteria numbers down and get the bad breath under control.


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Thanks, he's never had wet food -- other than what's fallen from high chairs which is mostly cherrios and crackers.


Sigh. I'll take him in for this. He's probably going to loose a ton of teeth. I sat down with him tonight and ran my finger over all his teeth and there were alot of wiggly ones and his gums, in places, are red and swollen. Although he lets me do whatever to him he completely freaks out with the vet and the vet tech. They've got a note in the file to let me hold him now otherwise they get bit. Still it's pretty traumatic.


He's really a nice little dude except when he's at the vet, tolerates my kids really well too.


I'll start brushing my basenji's teeth hopefully to avoid this in her too.

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