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6th grade math ??


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Oldest is doing Singapore 5B and will then move into 6A. I have heard a lot about Chalkdust Pre-Algebra and Russian Math 6. Could either of these be used along with SM 6A/6B or should we go through SM 1st?


Also, I would really appreciate any opinions on those Russian Math and Chalkdust. I am really starting to feel the challenge of teaching multiple kids and am thinking a video course may be helpful for oldest but maybe he should wait till 7th grade for Chalkdust pre-algebra. He is average at math.


Thanks bunches.

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Ds has used Pre-Algebra and Algebra I. He is currently in Geometry. Professor Mosely is a super teacher. I only have one dc, and I still think it is worth the cost. If you have multiple children that can use it, all the more so. I have been very pleased with this program and have no intention of ever switching.

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Ds has used Pre-Algebra and Algebra I. He is currently in Geometry. Professor Mosely is a super teacher. I only have one dc, and I still think it is worth the cost. If you have multiple children that can use it, all the more so. I have been very pleased with this program and have no intention of ever switching.



Did he do the pre-alg in 6th? Is it fairly doable for an average student? I watched the sample video on the website and the teacher definitely takes his time explaining concepts. I could see where this could frustrate a real fast learner but I'm thinking it may be good for my guy.

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Did he do the pre-alg in 6th? Is it fairly doable for an average student? I watched the sample video on the website and the teacher definitely takes his time explaining concepts. I could see where this could frustrate a real fast learner but I'm thinking it may be good for my guy.


my ds did Pre-Algebra in Grade 4. He is a mathy guy. However' date=' I think if you will do some searches on the high school board you will find that the consensus is that Professor Mosely appeals to many different skill levels. I do not know what sample he has up or if you received a DVD. The first lectures in Pre-Algebra are [i']really[/i] long as he is thoroughly reviewing concepts. I really don't think he does himself any favors by using the early lessons as representative samples. The average DVD time is around 25 minutes. But, of course, one is not watching a DVD every day. And, some may be only ten minutes! If the sections are longer it is easy to break them up and see where the topics line up with the problems in the book. As an idea, let's say the topic is fractions. He might lecture on one DVD segment on adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions. It would be easy just to watch each portion and then do the problems that are like the lecture. Watch the part on adding fractions, then work the problems on adding fractions. Watch the part on subtracting fractions, then work the problems on adding fractions. The lesson on fraction might be one 40 minute segment, but you could easily divide it into four 10 minute segments. I am just giving this as an example. I am NOT saying this is how the fraction segment is in Pre-Algebra. But, as I said most segments are around 25 minutes and are easy to watch in one sitting. Prof. Mosely's thoroughness in explaining concepts is one of my main appeals to the program.


I would think that someone who had completed Singapore could easily go into Chalkdust Pre-Algebra. My ds started it after completing most of Saxon 7/6. It was a challenging year for him, and some sections (integers, percentages) were harder than others. Also, my ds was getting used to a mastery program, something he had not had before.


HTH. Sorry. Gotta go cook breakfast!


You can find out more information and opinions on Chalkdust on the high school boards. I am totally sold on it.

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