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WWYD Fever in a 10yo


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DD10 has a bad virus that has been going around our city. It is a horrible cough/fever virus. I haven't taken her to the doctor because this is progressing in a very typical pattern for the illness going around. I work in pharmacy and the only people who are coming in with rx's are the ones who have had it for weeks and aren't getting over the cough.


She has had a high fever almost solid for 36 hours. I have been giving her Tylenol alternating with a dose of Motrin every 3-4 hours. When I give the the Tylenol dose, she is still in the 102-103 range. Adding the Motrin brings her down to 101-102. She hasn't been under 100 even with both meds on board at the same time. If we go 4-5 hours without medicine, she is over 104.


I usually let my kids run a fever up to 102-103 before I medicate. Fevers don't alarm me until above 104 because both of my kids are prone to run higher fevers.


We're doing the typical, cool cloths, popsicles, cool drinks, blended ice drinks, and laying on the cool floor (her favorite).


So here is my question:


When I give her just one medication, and her fever is still in the 102-103 range, would you continue to give the second med to bring her down to the 101 range, or just let it ride? I do believe fevers have a good purpose, so I hate to eliminate them altogether but at the same time, she is still in the range that I would have medicated her in the first place. Does that make sense? If I give her the first med, and she is responding to it by lowering her fever 2 degrees, I know she won't continue to climb, as is my concern with the unmedicated 103 fever.


She doesn't notice any difference with the second med making her feel better, except she feels cooler.

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I typically don't give medicine until my child's fever is 102 or higher. Our Dr. says that fevers under 102 in children are beneficial. If you give medicine #1 and she's still about 102, I'd give medicine 2. But I wouldn't do that for very long.


Maybe you could call the Dr. and double-check to make sure that these are the same symptoms they're seeing in the office?


Fevers alone don't bother me. Fevers+ coughing or nausea make me nervous.

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Personally, unless your dd is absolutely terribly uncomfortable or is prone to fever seizures, I'd let the fever go - even to 104. The fever is there to fight the virus - let it do its job. My oldest is the one who used to run high fevers with a virus - his once went to 106.3. Yes, we were at the ER for that one!!! (We were told it was just a virus and to let it run its course.)


But, I do have one who is prone to fever seizures. I do medicate him with nearly every fever now. He is currently sitting in front of the tv under three blankets with a fever of around 101 without meds and a terrible sounding cough. Sounds like the same virus. (My 12 yo is down with the same thing!) Anyway, he's not complaining too much and he's still eating, so we're going to ride this one out. Now, if he is having trouble sleeping, I'll medicate him tonight because I do believe they need to sleep in order to get better too.


:grouphug::grouphug:Sick kids are so stressful aren't they??

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