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Canning Meat

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I'm taking an online food preservation class and in it has been mentioned canning meat. As a vegetarian I haven't persued any info on it but at least it's possible.


What is stressed time and again in this little class is that you must follow a tested and approved recipe. The book that seems to be the bible of home canning is the Ball Blue book. I don't remember the exact title. I don't have it yet but it seems to be the one everyone recommends. It does have a chapter on meats. Here is a link to the table of contents.


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Echoing what the others have said. You MSUT follow an approved and tested recipe. You also MUST have a pressure canner; please note that this is a different pot than a regular pressure cooker. Processing times for meat are long, btw.



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I've canned meat before but as a general rule, I don't like the taste. IF I was going to can meat anymore, I would do it within a soup. Yes, you MUST follow the guidelines and you MUST have a pressure canner. I can a lot and would be happy to help you with any specific questions.


There is a great yahoo group called canning2. The wealth of knowledge on that group is amazing! However, you still need a pressure canner and the USDA guidelines.

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I have canned shredded chicken. You can use whatever recipe you like to cook your food - but then, as others have pointed out, you have to follow very specific timing directions for canning the meat. So I cooked my chicken, shredded & seasoned it, then processed it for what seemed like *forever* in the pressure canner. I thought it would be overcooked by the time it was done, but when we used it later it tasted fine. I used it in tacos, enchiladas, etc. I haven't done it again because...well, it was just a lot of trouble. I usually freeze stuff when I do bulk cooking.


I also canned the broth from cooking the chicken. That was very handy to have around.

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Thank you everyone!


Based on your comments, we have decided to forego canning meat for the time being. We'll come back around to it when things settle a bit around here . . . In the meantime, I'm going to dig out my Ball Canning Book and start reading up on it anyway.


I really appreciate all the help you ladies give!:)

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