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Going rate for a dog walker 1-2x/day. Or...

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because we homeschool our boys can take care of all your stuff while you are away. ;) We are happy to help the neighbors, but honestly I think they take advantage. I get called routinely to do this or that because a neighbor can't be home in time, etc.


We do have one neighbor who has asked the boys to walk her two goldens 2 days/week. She has suggested a rate, but I'm wondering if you would A) think it is unnecessary, you would do it for nothing or B) think it is an acceptable rate.


What would you think the going rate for a dog sitter is?



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Dog walkers here charge around $10-20/hour/dog depending on the experience of the walker (& for ex. whether they've taken a pet first aid course) and whether it's in the neighbourhood or a hike up into the mountains/to the beach etc. & whether it's a private walk or a group. There are usually 50% discounts for the 2nd dog in one family.

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My dd, 12, gets $2 to let a neighbor's dogs outback to pee. She also refills the water dishes and plays with them a bit. If she was walking them she would ask about $5 for a 20 - 30 minute walk, I think.


Still - $10 just to run down the street and play with dogs is a nice bit of cash for a kid!

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