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Switching from Abeka to Saxon?


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I will be switching my ds (3rd grader) from Abeka 3 arithmetic to Saxon 5/4 or 6/5 depending on how he tests on the placement test next month.

Has anyone had experience with this switch? How did your dc do? If they scored 6/5 level how did that work out for them? Do you feel they missed out on anything? In hindsite would you have gone back and covered some things in Saxon 5/4? What was your child's reaction going from colorful pages to black and white?

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My son used A Beka math through 6th grade then switched to Saxon 8/7. He did well with the switch. I wished that I had switched sooner, because Saxon does a better job with geometry. Also, in A Beka 5th grade or so, they used 6 digit dividends and 4 digit divisors. I think that this was a bit overkill. There were other reasons why I wish that I had switched sooner, but I can't remember them. Here is a link to a Saxon placement test so that you can determine the best level.



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We went from about 1/2 way thru Abeka 3 to Saxon 5/4 - she had tested higher on the placement tests (almost into 7/6) and I talked myself out of putting her in 6/5. I really regret not doing that now.... she was really bored in 5/4 even though some of it was still new, there was no challenge at all.


SO, my advice is to trust the placement tests!

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