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Book Club recommendation?


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Hi, Ladies-


I am looking for a book for my book club for next month. Needs to be not too long (only 3 weeks between meetings- so not over 600 pages probably.) I want something that will have a lot of stuff to talk about, that we won't agree on. (Makes for more interesting conversation.)


My group is a mix of Christians, theists and atheists. Books with religious undertones are OK, as long as they are well written and a good story.



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The Monster of Florence by Douglas Preson is interesting and of fairly wide interest. It's about a famous serial murder case in Florence - as of yet unsolved. But the really interesting part isn't the murders - it's the way the case was handled in the press, the prosecutors, the personal ambitions of everyone involved in the case. Good read, easy read.


Peace Like a River by Leif Enger


The Zookeeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman (we are reading this for February)

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