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If short on time, how much Singapore before ready for CD PreAlgebra?


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I have decided for various reasons that our R&S grade 6 textbook is not enough for dd in 6th to get her ready for Chalkdust PreAlgebra next year. We have been using Singapore as a supplement but we are only in the middle of 4A. If we stop R&S completely (and not finish the book) we would still-even if pushing hard and over the summer- most likely just finish 5A and maybe start 5B. I bought Challenging Word Problems 4 and wanted to add this as well.


Our school year begins in mid-late August so this would be about 6-7months to do all of this. I think we can double up a lot in the beginning because she has seen everything in 4 and a lot in 5.


Is this enough for CD prealgebra?

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First, I don't know anything about Chalkdust Pre-algebra so I won't be helpful there. However, a student finishing SM 6B is prepared for algebra 1. We have not used any pre-algebra texts, but the ones I previewed contained word problems that were really simplistic compared with Singapore. I would venture to say that finishing the 5 series would be enough for pre-algebra. You could speed it up by skipping some of the lessons on tesselations, graphs, and some geometry.



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Hmmm, it may depend on the maturity of the kid. My ds finished 6B in 5th grade. I opted to NOT move right into algebra. We're using this year (6th) as "pre-algebra" and "challenge math" using various resources. I didn't feel ds was ready for the big thick textbook yet. Next year we'll begin Algebra.


There are many topics not covered in Singapore that would be considered typically "prealgebra", for example; integers and exponets. Some Algebra programs cover these with enough depth, but others assume some prior knowledge.


Unless you have a really strong math student, I just wouldn't move from Singapore 5B into CD prealgebra. It would leave several gaps.

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You could work through Lial's BCM which is excellent for covering basics. Then use CD Prealgebra. I know lots of folks here use Lial's BCM as a Prealgebra course, but I really like CD for Prealgebra because I think if gives them more exposure to algebra-type problems whereas I don't see that in Lial's. Many kids can jump from Lial's BCM to Algebra I, but I prefer for mine to have year of "lite" algebra.



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