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Help for 13yo using MUS


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I have been using MUS for 7 years and love it. Oldest d, 13, however,

is having a hard time understanding decimals and percents along with

fractions. We took 1.5 years to do Epsilon with lots of review. Now

he's over half way through Zeta and still making tons of mistakes. We

rewatch the DVD lessons over and over. We review, but he still

struggles with it. He's frustrated. I'm frustrated. My other sons are

doing great in math and also love MUS. I'm thinking of trying another

math program with oldest ds, but not sure what to try. MUS is all I've

used. Any advice appreciated?

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Have you called Steve Demme or the people at MUS? They might be able to help. You might also just try giving math a break for him right now for a week or so and let his mind kind of clear.

You could also try supplements like The Key to Series... and just let him work though these workbooks and then go back and try MUS later. Some have had good results with programs like Life of Fred or Math on the Level. I know very little about either of those but I know several here like them. It might be something worth looking into.


Just a few suggestions, HTH



Here is a link to another thread about math. I put in several math websites and thought maybe you could use these as supplements and have some fun with math.


Edited by Felicia
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Is he using his fractions and decimals in real life? Stop the book work for a while. Have him start cooking/baking or do more manly things with a circular saw and some wood (with adult supervision). Take him shopping to work out percents and decimals.


Then go back to the book work. Either continue with MUS or find another that explains things in a way he understands.

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The Keys to Fractions, Decimals, and Percents workbook series may also be a helpful supplement for seeing those concepts in a different way.


Keys to Fractions TOC and sample pagess: http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/product?item_no=33100&netp_id=112095&event=ESRCN&item_code=WW&view=covers

Keys to Decimals TOC and sample pages: http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/product?item_no=68413&netp_id=108587&event=ESRCN&item_code=WW&view=covers

Keys to Percents TOC and sample pages: http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/product?item_no=53089&netp_id=157784&event=ESRCN&item_code=WW&view=covers

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My son was having a really hard time with the way MUS teaches how to find the answers to some problems several different ways in Epsilon. I stopped using the dvd and have just been teaching the lessons myself, and he is zooming through it and much happier. However, we are switching programs when he finishes Epsilon in a couple of weeks. We decided on Abeka 8th grade Pre-Algebra, mainly because I already own the TM, and it was one of very few upper level programs that uses a workbook. And it is not that expensive. I wanted to try Teaching Textbooks, but just could not justify shelling out that much money for one subject. If Abeka bombs, we will try TT.

When my ds was really having a hard time with fractions, we stopped MUS and went through Mastering Essential Math skills until he finished the fractions sections. This, along with printing out extra MUS worksheets from the website, really helped.


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