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Need help about R&S Reading Grade 2


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I'm looking at Grade 2 Reading and I'm not understanding how it all works.


There are Grade 2 Reading Units, Grade 2 Phonics and each come w/a workbook for each unit, right? But what's the difference between the Reading workbooks and the phonics workbooks, and then there's the Remedial Reading workbooks and what do those go with? I like the looks of those for comprehension, but is that more advanced or just more comprehension work. Do the reading units contain this comprehension stuff?


How does this all come together? What would you buy as a program? Do the stories all correlate w/the phonics work? I'm anal that way. And do you think it's too much workbook work? I just don't get it. Must be the cold I have.;)

Edited by alilac
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I'm looking at Grade 2 Reading and I'm not understanding how it all works.


There are Grade 2 Reading Units, Grade 2 Phonics and each come w/a workbook for each unit, right? But what's the difference between the Reading workbooks and the phonics workbooks, and then there's the Remedial Reading workbooks and what do those go with? I like the looks of those for comprehension, but is that more advanced or just more comprehension work. Do the reading units contain this comprehension stuff?


How does this all come together? What would you buy as a program? Do the stories all correlate w/the phonics work? I'm anal that way. And do you think it's too much workbook work? I just don't get it. Must be the cold I have.;)

The TMs tell you exactly what to use and when.


"Reading" actually has to do with comprehension and all that stuff; we usually use "reading" and "phonics" interchangeably, but they aren't *really* the same. So the *phonics* workbooks are going to teach the mechanics, as it were; then the *reading* workbooks are going to help with things like drawing conclusions, making applications, summarzing, and so on. The catalog says that the phonics lessons are not "closely associated with the readers" but that it would be "advantageous" to use them. So I'd say it's your choice: if your dc is reading comfortably at his age level, you might not need the phonics workbooks.


So you'd buy the two readers, the 5 reading workbooks, the 3 phonics workbooks, and the 2 TMs.


The "remedial" workbooks aren't even listed in the catalog until a couple of pages later. I don't think there's a reason to use any of them; if you think your dc needs more phonics instruction, I'd go with the gr. 2 phonics workbooks.

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I can't speak for the Grade 2 program, but I am currently using Rod and Staff Grade 1 Reading and Phonics. I have found them to complement each other very well. The phonics workbook focuses on intensive phonics, as well as applying the phonics to spelling. I have found the phonics program to be very thorough and my son has thrived with it. The reading incorporates some of the phonics, but focuses on vocabulary, comprehension and so forth, as well as reading of the Bible stories in the reader. It also introduces sight words that don't fit the phonics rules. I know some do the reading without the phonics, but for us, the two together have been a perfect fit.

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We're using just the reading. It does contain some phonic-type instruction (not much). We aren't doing phonics at all. Each reading lesson has 4 to 5 workbook pages. For my dd6, the reading usually takes us 2 days per lesson, 20 minutes per day.


BTW, she loves the reading books. She actually read through both of them when I got them last summer. Now we are working through them, doing the workbook lessons.


Take care,


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There is the TM--which tells you what to do and has all the answers.


Reader--which has the stories and reading practice


Reading Workbook--which matches up to the reader and has comprehension and a bit of grammar


Phonics Workbook--which can be used seperately and works on decoding skills through phonics instruction.


Remedial Reading Workbooks--work on phonics in the first unit and comprehension in the second unit.


If I just wanted part, I would buy the phonics workbooks. If I wanted to do the whole program which is what we are doing then I buy the TM, readers, phonics and reading workbooks.


Currently we are working up to 1 lesson per day. We read the reader, do the phonics lesson, and finish off with the reading workbook lesson. It can be a bit much, but I do some of the writing and we skip some stuff too because there is a lot of review.


Personally, we are using the level 1 and my youngest loves it. My oldest would have found it to be a nightmare so a lot of it depends upon the learning style of the child.


Hope you find something that works well for you. By the way the first phonics unit does review what was done in grade 1.:001_smile:

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