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Where do I buy owl pellets for dissection?

Sue G in PA

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Try a local teacher/educational store. Our local store has them for around $5-$10 for a kit (can't exactly remember the price, might be closere to the $10 - $15 range). Since I am teaching a co-op class, we will order them on line.


I did want to share a neat blog: Lipiput Station . She shares their owl experience and provide lots of neat links. One link even has a bone chart. There is also have an edible owl pellet recipe. YUM!


For the tadpole to frog habitat, we used the one from Discovery Channel. We have a pond and we just collected tadpoles from our yard. But Insect Lore has a nice one that also provides tadpoles. And Insect Lore also sells owl pellets! Save on shipping and purchase them both from the same place. :)


Have fun! :D



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We got ours in a kit with the Owl Puke book from Amazon. This also came with a nice plastic bone tray, with little compartments for all the different types of bones. We read the book before dissecting, and both my kids found it enjoyable. The actual dissection was a little painstaking and picky for my ds, age 9, and even my scientific minded little dd (age 5) got tired after an hour. Our little pellet had three rodents, and I think a small bird, and that is a Lot of work. I ended up having to finish up and divide out the bones myself. It was an interesting project, but not one we will repeat in the near future!

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or forestry commission, they may have them you can buy, or they might offer to help you find some, or they might offer to find some for you.


My girlie girl was the one who liked dissecting owl pellets the most (shocker!) but we all were surprised of the smell, I guess from the preserving agent.


have fun!

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