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Detectives in Togas ?


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I'm currently studying Latin For Children with my children. I think the pronunciation depends on whether or not you want classical or ecclesiastical. But here's how I think it's pronounced.


Flavius fla (as in la la la) vius (weeus)


Publius Pu (poo) bl ius(eeus)


But someone who knows latin better might know a little more than me.





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I'm currently studying Latin For Children with my children. I think the pronunciation depends on whether or not you want classical or ecclesiastical. But here's how I think it's pronounced.


Flavius fla (as in la la la) vius (weeus)


Publius Pu (poo) bl ius(eeus)


But someone who knows latin better might know a little more than me.





That's how I saw them.

I just put that down because I started reading it aloud and didn't think my kids were going to enjoy it. Maybe I should stick with it?

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Ohhh....maybe I should study Latin. My guesses were a bit off. No matter though. Ds, 8, and I are loving it. Ds,6, wasn't listening from the start so I'm not sure if it would be too much for him. We also just finished A Triumph for Flavius. I said to ds at one point, "Do you want to take a break?" And he said," You can't stop! It's too good."

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My girls vote you press on too with the book. This was most definitely without a doubt one of our all time favorite read alouds. There is also a sequal to the book which I will be getting here pretty soon. I'm not sure exactly what time period though it was set in, the book doesn't really give you a clue to as exactly when. My guess is maybe third century Rome.

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