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Does anyone ever think that maybe there is a government conspiracy to poisin us?

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We had to pay several hundred dollars for the emergency service when ds passed out and scared me nearly to death. They didn't do anything more than listen to his heart for a moment and talk to us. I took him to an after hours medical facility myself on their advice to save the ambulance charge. There are websites detailing the protocol for handling broken light bulbs....cutting out a square of your carpet and disposing of it in several taped layers of plastic bags got me.

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After the reading the article about mercury in HFCS, I started putting the following pieces together:


Mercury in the following products:


Dental amalgam fillings





Then all of the contaminated food products


Then the problems with sugar, corn, wheat


There are tons of other examples along these lines.


Can these all be accidents?


Just my mind wandering along the lines of a Dean Koontz novel.


They certainly aren't accidents.

And if *I* know it's bad for ya, the companies/governments making money on it know as well.

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I have to admit that I have never thought it was a conspiracy, but more something like careless stupidity during the pursuit of profit. However my cousin sent me this link a couple of weeks ago. It is interesting. Maybe I need to buy a foil hat.




Well thank your cousin for us!

Loved that video inparticular - and kept watching others on completely different topics. Check out this one.....


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The new high-efficiency lightbulbs? My mother dropped one a couple months ago on her tile floor. She was so annoyed -- the mercury goes everywhere and is absurd to try to clean up.


I'm glad you posted this, because when I saw the bulbs in the grocery store the other day, I couldn't help feeling like it was some insidious poisonous situation that no one's bothering to mention because someone decided it was a fair trade, a little of our health for a little of their energy-conversion and profits .......


I HATE flourescent lighting.

And do the powers that be - telling us it is for our own good in order to save a few cents or watts of electricity - *really* believe that everyone in this country is going to dispose of them properly. You can't just throw them away. I can't even imagine the further pollution of mercury in our earth as a result of the mandating "healthier, better for the environment" lighting. Both with accidental breakage like you mentioned and impropper disposal.


Not to mention -flourescent lighting is ugly and after sitting under it for an hour or two - I find that I cannot think. It can't be good - the rapid flashing that is so rapid *we* can't see it but our brains do.


Seriously - if we want to cut down on electricity - we can ask all Floridians who move there because they hate the snow and cold to please keep their A/C a little bit *above* 68 degrees in the summer. Let them know that Florida is called the sunshine state for a reason before they move there.

Edited by Karen sn
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I am interested in your targeted population theory and your TV theory.


I'm gonna guess here that the targeted population is not the uber rich who belong to the Trilateral Commission.

And as an aside - George Sr. was not only head of the CIA prior to his presidency of our country- he was president of the Trilateral Commission as well.

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No conspiracy. Just laziness or self-interest on the part of the providers of these things.


This is the kind of thing that makes me nervous, actually. As pp said, our gov't is too ineffecient & unorganized to do this to us.


Which seems pretty true but makes me think of the stories where the rich guy has dirt on both candidates for some important office. He bribes both of them w/ the info, & then chooses whose to give to the press.


So while I'd tend to agree that the gov't's probably incapable of this level of conspiracy, I wouldn't put it past some of the major corporations/rich families. Some of them are in the shadows of *everything.*


Dh generally accuses me of having too vivid an imagination, though, so you can take all that w/ a grain of salt. Or two. ;) :lol:

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