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National Bible Bee Competition

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This year is the inauguaration of the National Bible Bee.

I learned of it last night at our homechool group meeting. I'm excited about it! I'm hoping to get some neighbor friends who've been attending church with us regularly involved too.

The grand prizes are huge. Of course, the best prize is having God's word hidden in their hearts.

The children study the material over the summer and the contests are in the fall.

Go to www.biblebee.org to see if it is near your town.

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We're excited about this, too! Our church isn't large enough to handle the local contest but we found a church in the next town over that welcomed us to participate there. I need to remember to go and complete our registration process. Several of my kids are going to participate (some not so excited as others - LOL). I'm hoping it's a really positive experience for our whole family.

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We learned about this some time ago, but aren't able to head it up. Just last night I received word that someone in our area is getting it going. I shot off an email right away that we will be happy to help.


What a wonderful opportunity!!!!


Is there a yahoo group yet for it? LOL I need to refresh my memory about just what the kids are to learn...

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