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Does anyone have a job as a medical records coder?

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Once my youngest goes to high school I will have to get a paying job. He is in 5th grade now so I have a few years to prepare and to take a few classes if I need to. I would really like to find a job working at home so that I can still pick him up from school and be around in the afternoons when he is home. I really don't want to work 9 to 5 even when he is that old. I still think it is important for parents to be a round for their teens.


I did medical transcription many years ago but I have decided that I no longer want to do that. For the past 5 years I've been having trouble with my ears and on and off have trouble hearing this seems to get worse when I wear earphones, etc., which I would need to do for transcription.


Does anyone have experience as a medical coder? Is that something that you can do at home? How much training did you need?


Is there another job that would be better? Any suggestions?

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I have training in this field, but I am not working in it. Most programs take two years, and all would involve study of anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, and of course the coding classes. One frustration is that the United States has not gone to ICD-10 yet, which was finished in 1992 and adopted by most countries shortly thereafter. We're not quite there yet :tongue_smilie:, and are still using ICD-9-CM. So, guess what? You still have to study ICD-9-CM at school even though the rest of the world uses ICD-10. Perhaps more importantly, ICD-10 resolved a lot of the ambiguities and problems of ICD-9 and includes more up-to-date techniques and procedures. Also, you will need to learn ICD-10 as well since we might change to that any second now. (That's what they said five years ago when I started studying coding.)


As far as whether you can code at home, it depends on your employer. I would suggest calling medical facilities in your area and asking them whether they have any coding staff working from home. Our hospital requires you to work there for the first year, and then if you are reliable and hardworking they will allow you to work from home. They hook you up to the computerized medical records system so you can "see" the medical records from home.



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I am doing medical transcription, but I believe some of the national transcription companies also employ coders at home. I also believe Corvel Corp may have some at-home positions for coding, but I don't know what previous training they require. Before I started transcription, Corvel was willing to hire me without training (about 4 or 5 years ago), but the job would have been in house at an insurance company, not at home.


You might have better luck checking the forum at mtchat.com.


Good luck.



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