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S/O from my other post on rule based spelling/ AAS

Country Girl

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I am currently using AAS with ds. I bought it because I thought I wanted a rules based program and I wanted to stick with the vertical phonics system that we used to learn to read (hoping to reinforce his phonics learning). As I mentioned in another post, I'm thinking of switching and I was asking for advice about a specific program (Megawords). However, I'm now starting to wonder if rule based programs are what I want. So far, he doesn't use rules at all to spell... he hasn't needed to with the words he is asked to spell in AAS 2. I've noticed he also spells the same way I do.... spell a word until it looks right. So now I'm wondering if maybe I need to drop the rule based spelling programs and go in a different direction but I'm not really sure what other directions there are. Any thoughts or suggestions?

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I am currently using AAS with ds. I bought it because I thought I wanted a rules based program and I wanted to stick with the vertical phonics system that we used to learn to read (hoping to reinforce his phonics learning). As I mentioned in another post, I'm thinking of switching and I was asking for advice about a specific program (Megawords). However, I'm now starting to wonder if rule based programs are what I want. So far, he doesn't use rules at all to spell... he hasn't needed to with the words he is asked to spell in AAS 2. I've noticed he also spells the same way I do.... spell a word until it looks right. So now I'm wondering if maybe I need to drop the rule based spelling programs and go in a different direction but I'm not really sure what other directions there are. Any thoughts or suggestions?


I don't have any suggestions regarding other programs, but I do have a thought. Do you think that he is already internalizing the rules and that's why he is doing so well? In my opinion, that is the goal. To not have to think of the rule every single time, but to just know it. If he is an advanced reader, perhaps he's picked up some of the more basic rules without being explicitly taught them.


Can you continue with AAS and skip to another level?

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In my experience it takes years for them to really "get" the rules and consistently apply them. My oldest two have been doing SWR for two years and wile they are getting better about it, my 9yo spelled awe aw this week. Now she knew it didn't "look" right as well but forgot the odd job E rule where it " Add length to a short main-idea word." Despite her being able to quote the rule word for word. I do find my oldest is starting to apply more and more rules as she gets into more and more difficult words.


Here are my thoughts. My oldest was exactly as you describe. She could spell a word by sight even before we started SWR. The big difference is now she can tell me why it is spelled a certain way instead of just saying "it doesn't look right". Well most of the time. She still has moments when all rules seem to exit her head, LOL! I think the big difference comes in with larger words, words that the child doesn't see very often to know if they look right or not. AAS and SWR both give attack strategies so that a child keeps both their skills to sound out words and their skills in how to spell words fresh.


In the end it really depends on your goals. I think your ds would probably be fine with more of a visual method without rules. I suspect he would do even better with a rule based system, but how much better is in question. For me I would rather error on the side of caution, so we cover the rules. But I am admittedly biased. I actually did loose a temp position once because of my poor spelling, even having admitted this weakness ahead of time. The guy who hired me was fine with it, but he wasn't the only person who I had to work with and eventually everyone else won.




Edited by siloam
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The ds I'm using AAS wants rules and had no idea how to spell words before. He was struggling hugely with spelling. My other ds (actually 2 years younger) doesn't have any trouble with spelling. I'm using spelling power with him, and he breezes through the lists without much trouble.


In all honesty, I'm a pretty good speller, but I always spell the way my second ds does, by sight. I can tell if it looks wrong, but I never knew the rules. I'm now learning the rules along with my older ds, through AAS. I haven't yet decided if I'm going to have younger ds go through AAS next year.



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I'm a visual speller, so I spell very well, but I don't necessarily know why. Becca got that trait from me - we were working on a lesson yesterday and she spelled a word correctly - when I asked her why, she said that she remembered seeing it spelled that way. Great! I'll take good spelling any way it comes. But I want her to learn the rules too - they're good to know and helpful... and good for me to learn as well! ;)

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I'd prefer not to use a rule-based program because I never knew any rules and was always a great speller, like winning the spelling bee kind of speller. ;) I think it's preferable to have a visual memory for the words than to learn rules, but that is obviously a personal bias.


I am using AAS for ds, going slowly. I know he is only 6 but he doesn't seem to be a natural speller on his own, even with little short words. Though sometimes I wonder if difficulty with spelling is a byproduct of learning to read with straight phonics. :confused: I don't have a strong opinion about it or even a basis for an opinion, but I wonder.


In answer to your question, if I had any inkling that I had a child who spells a word because "that's the way it looks", I'd be happy with that and I wouldn't be doing rules-based spelling.

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