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Cub Scout religious emblem knot question

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Our family references a higher power, but we're not specifically any one denomination. We do not attend outside religious services regularly.


Spirituality and religion are part of our homeschool education.


When I investigated the Cub Scout religious emblem knot, I do not see a non-denominational faith choice.


So, is my son out of luck for earning a religious emblem knot?


(This is not a criticism of BSA. I am only interested in validating my understanding of the religious emblem program.)

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I believe these are generally awarded by the church rather than by the Scouts - at least in our council. I did google and found this list http://www.usscouts.org/advance/cubscout/religious.asp You didn't say what type of religion you are, but they have one for Protestant and Independent Christian Churches listed which then has a link to another website. Perhaps you can find the information you are looking for there or else contact your council for help. I know we have someone in charge of religios emblems for our council and they have a camp or workshop for it each year. HTH

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