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Katya update and prayers needed ...

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Those who are following our progress, please go to my blog for the whole story as best as I can understand it. If you just want it in a nutshell, here it is. Basically, Katya's grandmother still needs to sign a refusal of guardianship. We thought this was taken care of nearly a year ago. It could be nothing to worry about, it could delay the adoption by over a year, or it could derail it completely.


We are praying for peace, God's best for Katya, and for those who are working on our behalf to have clarity and direction. Thanks, gals!

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Thank you, Ladies! I just received an email from Dima saying that Tamara fully intends to write the letter. She is just sad. I have asked him to reassure Tamara that our intent is to honor her and not to cut off their relationship. I believe that an important part of our time in Ukraine will be spent with Tamara hearing her stories, learning from her, etc. Dima is encouraging us to proceed as planned in hope that the SDA will simpy reestablish her availability once Tamara's letter is on file. Thank you!!!

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