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Is lack of curiosity just normal for some people, or is it a sign of pathology?

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Does anyone here have a child who really isn't all that curious about things, in spite of very high intelligence? Who just accepts everything at face value and isn't interested in digging deeper? Who doesn't ask questions of other people because he/she doesn't really care?


I know this is typical teen behavior, but what if a person is like that all the way through life? Is that pathological, or is that just the way they are? I mean, Matthew in "Anne of Green Gables" was that way, and he was a kind-hearted, extremely responsible person (though a little dull).


Someone, please answer and discuss this with me before I tear my hair out.:w00t::w00t:http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/images/smilies/w00t.gif

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My son was that way and if there's any stench of 'work' about it, he's still that way now. It's not that he's pathological (I hope), but that he's lazy. My daughter is much the same way. If it's something she wants, she can research the pants off it... until she gets what she wants (IYKWIM). Really, even now, I only research something as far as I *need* to.


How far will you go to learn something for personal use?

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Interesting question.


DS is only interested in exploring the things that, well, interest him. My girls are excited about EVERYTHING. Really. The plumber was just here to fix some sort of valve. They'd be able to tell you what the problem was, but I can't. Too boring for me!


My mother is a complete face-value person. It drives my sisters and me nuts, since we really enjoy debating ideas and boiling things down to form opinions.


So, based on my anecdotal evidence, I'd say nature plays a bigger part than nurture. You can throw as much fertilizer on the seed as you want, but sometimes it won't grow. Others might grow wild without any assistance.

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I wouldn't know about the pathology part, but I think curiosity can be nurtured or discouraged. A child who is not in a "safe" place (not saying that's you) may not feel secure enough to reach out, to explore, to be curious. Or a child can appear lazy or bored when he or she is protected too much, too. A kazillion things might affect how much curiosity a child is able to exercise.


It's a complicated question.

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