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Anyone ever tried to cold brew coffee?

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I tend toward reflux, and it does seem to have less acid. I like the flavor too though, and it's superior of course to instant, which is all I have time for if I don't have cold brew concentrate made up.


I fill the basket of my old perculator all the way up with coffee, set it in the bottom of the pot, and fill it with cold water and let it sit overnight. Then in the morning I pour it through a coffee filter set in a strainer over a pitcher. I put the concentrate in old Pepsi bottles in the fridge, and then microwave my coffee -- about 1/2 concentrate to 1/2 water+milk.

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I have not, but my friend does. She says her recipe makes a coffee concentrate that you can keep in the fridge and just heat up or drink cold (diluted, of course). She loves it and says not only is it smoother and lower in acid, but that it has some chocolate notes in the flavor.

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What kind of percolator do you use?


I'm guessing it's a good 25 years old or so because I bought it at the beginning of graduate school.


It's stainless steel and can make 20 cups of coffee if I remember correctly (the marks are rubbed off). I fill the basket, then push it to the bottom and slowly fill the percolater with water. You don't want the top of the basket to float off, and you don't want the water to come out the spigot either. It sits overnight, and then I just pour it all through a filter set in a strainer in a pitcher. Then I pour it into old Pepsi bottles that fit the fridge door.


Most of the grounds stay in the basket if you do this right, but there will be some mess of course. I've read of some people actually just dumping the coffee in and covering with water, but that's messier than my percolator technique.


I suppose I could buy a Toddy, but this works and I sometimes use my percolator to make a lot of coffee for a group or for boiling water. That way I don't have to store something else.:001_smile:

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Toddy...It's yummy. You brew it and it keeps for a while. You just take about 1/3 or so of the toddy, put some Italian Soda or similar and milk over ice. Yummmm!




I make toddy coffee like regular coffee. I use the coffee as a concentrate, add hot water and then I have coffee. I often make toddy coffee lattes.

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