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any tips for schooling with a broken arm (mom)

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This seems trivial but I read the greastest BTDT tips here, so.............I broke my radius and am in a cast with my "writing hand" mostly immobilized for 6+ weeks?


Any tips for schooling (or changing schooling plans/methods) for the next 6 weeeks? Just any tidbits, advice re: hm management, schooling, meals, etc


Just any BTDT tips - kids are good students but need a lot of continual motivation from me to succeed, study, stay on task etc.


Pain is not too bad, my writing is illegible, slow, tedious


We have an extremely busy household: church, AWANA, swimming, skiing, volunteer, etc

Grades K, 3, 6, 9/10, 11



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I'd focus on Home Economics for the older students. We did this with really bad morning sickness in years past. The older kids learned to cook, clean, tend the little ones, teach phonics and math. It was a season of working together to make the best of my "disability."


Dh just recovered from cut tendons in his hand this fall. Those weeks of working one-handed were frustrating for him, but the hand had to heal right the first time. He bought himself a backscrubber brush for showering and showered with his arm in a large plastic bag (Costco sized hamburger buns).


You will want to lower your expectations for yourself while you heal. Maybe you could read some of those books that you haven't had time for?

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In December I broke and sprained the foot that I had operated on just 18 months before. DH is disabled and usually can't help much. So truly we have dealt with this more than I'd like.


No teens yet here, but my kids did the laundry, cleaned sinks, mopped the floor, cook basic meals, and somewhat pick up. Of course it was not the way I would do it, but we managed. I directed school from the recliner.


Being in a cast is no fun. I never did figure out how to sleep truly well, and found tub baths to be easier than trying to manage in the shower. I was so glad when they took it off!

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This seems trivial but I read the greastest BTDT tips here, so.............I broke my radius and am in a cast with my "writing hand" mostly immobilized for 6+ weeks?


Any tips for schooling (or changing schooling plans/methods) for the next 6 weeeks? Just any tidbits, advice re: hm management, schooling, meals, etc


Just any BTDT tips - kids are good students but need a lot of continual motivation from me to succeed, study, stay on task etc.


Pain is not too bad, my writing is illegible, slow, tedious


We have an extremely busy household: church, AWANA, swimming, skiing, volunteer, etc

Grades K, 3, 6, 9/10, 11




aaaarrrrrgggghhhh, I just realized you typed grades, not ages. I typed up a response based on thinking those were the ages of your kids! Nevermind! Take good care of that arm - your kids will probably do well with helping you out!

Edited by Colleen in NS
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