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Couple books for those of us moving towards more veggies

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Better than pbj - awesome book with tons of actual food youngers might eat




Veganomicon - big book of still simple but more adult in orientation stuff





Side note: I'm shocked at how much I could have saved in gas (we live a bit from town) and time and MONEY buying from Amazon over B&N. I paid $27.95 for the Veganomicon. :001_huh:

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So these are really, truly purchase-worthy? This is my last day of free Amazon Prime, so I'm stocking up.


My son is allergic to eggs and has chronic sinus infections, so we've also cut out dairy. My library has pretty slim pickins in the vegan cookbook department, and I'd like a good basic resource.



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So these are really, truly purchase-worthy? This is my last day of free Amazon Prime, so I'm stocking up.


My son is allergic to eggs and has chronic sinus infections, so we've also cut out dairy. My library has pretty slim pickins in the vegan cookbook department, and I'd like a good basic resource.




If you check the used book sites on the web, you can find tons of cheap John McDougall's books. Most of the books have a mini-cookbook in the back. Also, Mary McDougall (his wife) has written quite a few cookbooks which you can buy dirt cheap on the net ($1 each ...). The recipes are quick and simple, without dairy or meat or added oils. Also, you can get quite a few recipes off his website. (drmcdougall.com)



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_Fit for LIfe_ and _Fit for Life 2_. the info in them is mostly nonsense, and the tone in which they're written is awful.....but there are some fabulous meals and main course salads in those pages.


_Garden of Eating: A Produce Dominated Diet_


_Eat to Life_ (some dangerously incorrect info in there....regarding D, zinc etc and getting enough of them), but some decent recipes...some gross ones as well:)



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