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I thought I did everything right for my first college essay in 20 years.


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I used the MLA format however, I did not think about needing works cited page since it was on a single story.... Boy was I wrong. My comments from the professor "very well written and executed" should have made atleast a B or atleast a C for the run on sentence queen (I tried hard to correct these) considering I am SAHM with 4 kids right? Well, evidently works cited is a BIG deal for MLA format which I thought was just a matter or spacing and margins so it can be easily read and no question of whose paper it is since it has to have your last name on every page. all my hard work got kicked back all because I didn't include the works cited page.... WWYD

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Well, I think the best you can hope for is to go to the prof's office hours (or ask for an appointment) and tell him this was your first paper and you misunderstood that requirement, and ask for mercy and the chance to resubmit the paper *with* a works cited page.


He may say no, (because -- not meaning to be harsh -- you should have known this) and then you just have to work doubly hard on the next paper. But I think it's absolutely worth briefly explaining the situation and asking for the chance to resubmit (perhaps for a *portion* of the original grade).

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because you didn't cite your sources in the right format, or because you didn't cite your sources at all?


For the first, if it was not made clear by the prof. that you needed external sources (like with a reflection paper), then I would contest the grade. If you didn't cite them in the right format but you did cite them, it doesn't seem fair to knock off more than a letter grade unless the purpose of the paper was to get familiar with MLA format. If you didn't cite sources, but you used them, that's a different matter... that's gives the appearance of plagiarism (even if you didn't mean it), and a low grade seems fair.


I'd talk to the teacher to make sure you know exactly what is expected of future assignments. I'd also ask to redo the current paper to see if any points could be gained. It doesn't hurt to ask, and it shows the teacher your willingness to work.

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Thanks for the encouragement. I am going to e-mail with the corrections with a note attached asking if it these changes would make an "A" paper next time and hope he has mercy. I don't expect much but know what to do on the next paper. My sister looked him up on some kind of rank your professor website and he has one of the highest ratings. He does answer e-mails very timely and participates on the discussion boards with the students. I know he was adament (sp?) regarding MLA and I went through his tutorial but honestly thought he just wanted the spacing for ease of grading now I know and lesson learned. I did make a 90 on the last exam and have a high B in the class so I can keep that and have to take the hit of an argh I'll say it....take the F I think I can keep the B. Live and learn and now to pass this lesson on to my kids....

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