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How is testing done for learning disabilities?

Michelle My Bell

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I was thinking about this recently when I was thinking about how much my 11 dd struggles to learn things. I have had to teach and reteach many things to her. She took until nearly 9 years old to really read.


She had lead poisioning when she was a baby, and I wonder if this might have lowered her IQ some? On the other hand, she is an amazing homemaker, and has a ton of common sense and intuition.


Where would I go for testing and even if I did, what would be the point I wonder? I don't plan to ever send her to any school and she is learning at her own, much slower pace. Advice... Thoughts?


Thank You, Michelle

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One way is through the school district, they will develop an IEP and it may engage you into the school system more than you might like. The other option is to talk to your primary care physician and ask for a referral to a Board Certified Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist who does LDT (learning disability testing) and it stays confidential.

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You can do testing through the ps at no charge, but it probably won't tell you anything that you don't already know. OTOH, that IQ testing that the ps does is pretty expensive and you can go for a full neuropsych workup after you have the ps do testing and won't have to pay the full price, because some of the testing will already be done. You'd have to check with the neuropsych to make sure he'd go for that though.


When I took my dd to the ps for testing at the start of 2nd grade, they did WISC-IV, WJ-III, and CTOPP. They confirmed that she was both gifted and LD and that her LD affected all academic areas, but especially in reading and written expression.


The testing helped me because after I posted my dd's scores on several dyslexia email loops and the Schwab LD board, I got feedback that led me to programs that actually worked for my dd.


I took my dd back for testing at the end of 4th grade so we'll have a paper trail for SAT/ACT accomodations if she needs them by the time we get there.

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I took my dd back for testing at the end of 4th grade so we'll have a paper trail for SAT/ACT accommodations if she needs them by the time we get there.


Yes. If your daughter is college bound, she will need a diagnosis and paper trail to qualify for accommodations. This is why we are currently pursuing a diagnosis for my ds11. I am starting with his pediatrician.

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We have had a lot of experience in this area. You are smart to look into how you can help her better. I found a resource through our local home schooling store. The lady's name is Jan Bedell, I'm sure you could google it. I cannot remember the name of her business. She was VERY helpful at the beginning. As my dd got older, she is 16 now, i found a local school for children who learn differently and I had her tested there. That was very helpful as it gave me, as her teacher, ways to teach her that were best for HER.

I hope this helps. Please feel free to send me a personal e-mail.



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The official diagnosis must be no more than 3yo for college board accomodations, so we're waiting until 9th grade to go for a full neuropsych eval. It costs $1500-$2000, so I don't want to have to do it twice.


My dd goes to the ps for testing every 3 years to maintain a paper trail. They have never given me any problems about hsing.

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