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Help me think this through, please.

TN Mama

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Back story:


This year I am homeschooling my oldest daughter who is 7 (2nd grade). I am registered with an umbrella school where one requirement is that I'm not allowed to work outside the home M-F from 8-2. OK, no problem, because my schedule coincides with her enrichment class. I work 2 days/week from 8-12 at the local YMCA and my daughter goes to her class during that time (8:45-1:30). This class is for 2nd - 5th graders and they do fun art projects, science experiments with a retired Scientist, music, pe - basically things that are a) more fun with another group of kids and b) may not get done at home. She takes some of her daily work with her and we usually have about an hours worth of work to finish when she returns home. She really enjoys the class, I am happy with the enrichment and I'm glad to stay at my job.


Fast forward to preparing for next year. I've decided to bring my youngest daughter who is currently 6 (mid-oct birthday) home for school next fall. She is in ps K right now. The church where Dd1 goes for her enrichment class offers a co-op for K/1st that meets M, W, F same hours. However, because it is a co-op *they choose the curriculum and teach the children the three days they are there and I teach from their schedule on T & TH at home. Although I've heard wonderful things about this co-op it isn't what I had envisioned for our family. I prefer to pick the curriculum and would like to do Sci & History together with the girls. However, if I don't send her, I would have to quit my job (as far as I know, all the local umbrella schools have the same requirement re: working outside the home). Regarding my job: I don't work there because they pay well, but because I love the people. I've been with the Y for 6 years and they have been beyond supportive - members & staff.


Do I suck it up and give over (curriculum) control for one year until dd2 is in 2nd grade and can be in the enrichment class with dd1? Do I suck it up and quit my job that I may or may not be able to return to after that school year? Is there a third option that I'm not thinking of? I just needed to bounce this off of someone else (aren't you all lucky?) and dh is out of town. I know he and I will talk about it later, but what do you all think? I know this is long - I appreciate your help

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  • 4 months later...
Guest rsh37930
I like that idea!



ETA: Try Family Christian Academy as an umbrella school. I'm in TN too.


Anyone know the rules about switching umbrella schools ?

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First thought was definitely time to switch umbrellas....but then I see you said they all have that requirement. Have you talked with other homeschoolers in your area to be sure that you haven't missed an umbrella that might work better. Or....do you even HAVE to work with an umbrella? I'm not in TN so perhaps that's a requirement? In my state you aren't required to work with an umbrella, though there are several around for those that want. I'm not a big fan of umbrellas because they have control....I homeschool so that I'm in control of their education. I know a lot of beginning homeschoolers choose an umbrella because they're not completely confident to go it alone......but really, you CAN do it alone (if your state allows)...and this board is much better to bounce concerns and questions off of than an umbrella whose sole purpose is to keep you doing things according to their plan. You've got a year under your belt and sound confident that you know what you want (and that the church isn't quite it)....so you just need to tell yourself that you can do it!



Ok, in case your state requires that umbrella and there really are no others that will allow you to do as you see fit.......Could you allow the younger child to attend the classes the days required and do what you want with her at home? I mean, seriously, how much testing could she be required to undergo in 1st, right....so if she's not quite working at the level they think she should because she wasn't doing her "homework" would they even realize. You say it's not what you envisioned for your family, but is there anything objectionable? If so, obviously that's not option....but if it just doesn't fit in with your plans I'd just let her attend and enjoy/glean whatever they're teaching.....but the "real" school work would be done at home by your standards. In otherwords....treat their school as "enrichment" instead of "core".


Quitting and hoping that you can get the job back is probably not a great idea in this economy (well, maybe in any economy). Even if it's low paying, many people would keep it, like you have, because of the great work environment. So it may not be available when you're ready to come back. And while a boss may say "sure we'd love to have you back"...if your replacement stays more than the year, boss might not be able to take you back. So I definitely would try to exhaust everything else before quitting. In fact, I'd probably "suck it up" and do their requirements for this one year before I'd quit. Unless there is something objectionable in their curriculum, of course, but I'd just do it and know that she's learning something, and next year it can be more to your standards.

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If you want to switch:


I'm with Home Life Academy and there's no "rule" about when I can work. I'm starting my 3rd year with them and I absolutely LOVE it. They are extremely helpful and wonderful people.


All you have to do is send them transcripts from the previous school (whether it be an umbrella or a public school) and they take care of the rest. 2x a year you are required to submit grades and attendance.



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I thought I'd post update on the situation since this thread had been bumped back to the top.


I could definitely switch umbrella schools. As far as I know in order to switch I would just have to register with the new umbrella instead of reregistering with our current school. However, I like our umbrella school, so I decided to stay.


I spoke with my older daughter's enrichment teacher about the possibility of my younger daughter participating in the program (not the co-op). I explained that I wanted to be able to choose her curriculum, etc. She spoke to the director on my behalf and they accepted the younger daughter into the enrichment program! So, both girls will be in the same class, I'll be able to school the girls the way I prefer AND continue to work my little 8 hours a week at a place I love. Love how it all works out.

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I thought I'd post update on the situation since this thread had been bumped back to the top.


I could definitely switch umbrella schools. As far as I know in order to switch I would just have to register with the new umbrella instead of reregistering with our current school. However, I like our umbrella school, so I decided to stay.


I spoke with my older daughter's enrichment teacher about the possibility of my younger daughter participating in the program (not the co-op). I explained that I wanted to be able to choose her curriculum, etc. She spoke to the director on my behalf and they accepted the younger daughter into the enrichment program! So, both girls will be in the same class, I'll be able to school the girls the way I prefer AND continue to work my little 8 hours a week at a place I love. Love how it all works out.


Yipee! Don't know why none of us suggested talking to them about putting younger in the enrichment class. I love when the solution is so simple.

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