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Good Subjects and Programs for Co-ops


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When I look at a co-op I am looking for something

1) that I can't do at home with my kids, or that is better done with other kids - that rules out history, for example.

2) that preferably involves interaction among the kids, or something that needs a group .


In the end I went with Public Speaking. Our local Speech and Debate Club didn't have a program for the Juniors - ages 7 to 11 - so I started it up as part of the Club - but this you could very easily do with only one or two other families. It could easily involve a wide range of ages, from 6 to 18.


I used Communicators For Christ book - Beginning Public Speaking (BPS).

If you do go with this, you only need the Teachers Manual, not the Students Manual or the DVD.


In a nutshell, have the kids each choose one "speech" that they will be working on. In our group I encourage a short story, such as a preschoolers picture book - something that can be read aloud at a comfortable pace in 3 minutes. Choose something shorter for younger kids, and those 11 or older could go up to 5 minutes - but no more.


Have them work on this for the duration of your club meetings, say you meet for 8 weeks, then they will have 8 weeks to work on it. We meet every other week over a three month period.

Each week learn about a new "skill" in class - such as adding emotions, or gestures, volume, etc. More info is in the BPS book.

I have a kid do a demo for us of what not to do - for example one comes up and says a simple nursery rhyme at double speed time. The kids really enjoy doing this.

Add in plenty of drama games - google "drama games" and a ton will pop up. I chose games that either involved acting, using their bodies to express - helping them to get out of ther shell, or that involved talking, for example go around the group and have each describe their ideal vacation (this could be real or imaginary).

We also give out an assignment each week - the kids are to prepare a very brief speech on a different topic - more details in the BPS book. If this is too much homework for your families, then this could be skipped, especially if this is your first year doing it.


At the end of the three months, the kids have fully memorized their speeches, they have worked on volume, added gestures and emotions etc. We then pull together an audience, from friends and family, and make a special night. Each child dresses in their Sunday best, comes up and presents their speech to the audience, they get certificates at the end, and refreshments to top off the evening.


It is a huge success. I have been doing this for four years, and have only ever had success, seen fantastic improvement in each of the kids who participate. They have grown in their ability to express themselves, they are not shy of the stage, and most were terrified at the beginning of class.


I now have the older kids leading certain activites, either teaching the skill, doing the demo of what not to do, leading certain games etc.


This is not nearly as daunting as it may sound, I would love to help you if you want to get started, and the fruit I see in the kids is more than worthwhile.

Edited by inashoe
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We did a three week unit on China that was a lot of fun.


Studied the earth and made models out of playdough.


This spring we have plans for:


bullying using the new American Girl movie as a jumping off point

Stranger Danger

Tanagram fun


old time radio shows including making sound effects

Totem poles



Our group just gets together and we all throw in ideas on things we would like to do and then go for it. We split up the presentations and bringing of supplies. Hope this helps. Our ages range from 2 to 9. We do try to do some singing, games, and show and tell on a regular basis.:001_smile:

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I have an ongoing co-op for FIAR and BYFIAR I also try to use units from homeschoolshare.com because they are free.


I also do a small family group for science Mr.Q (free) and history SOTW.


I am going to try to do Spanish as a co-op and see how that goes. I found a free program designed for teachers that do not speak Spanish.



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