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Foerster's Precalculus at Scholars Online...

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My dd is currently doing this class. She loves it, though the class doesn't move as quickly as she'd like - but I think that's because the class has 4 students and none of the others had used a graphic calculator much before this class. The teacher has a great sense of humor and is willing to work with students who need extra help. Let me know if you have any other questions.

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Can you tell me how much of Foerster's book this will cover? I'm actually doing it on my own with my daughter--but I'm wondering whether most teachers would cover the entire book in a 1 credit course.


Re teaching it on my own: dd is actually having far fewer problems with the trig than she did with algebra II--this is a nice change of pace for us.

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Read with them, do the students turn in daily assignments or is the parent resposible for grading. Does the teacher grade quickly?

How much time/day does your student work on this?

Thanks for your answers,


I don't have anything to do with this class, other than to scan her tests :)


I'm not sure exactly what they do with homework - we don't scan them but I think they do go over the problems during class. She works on math just about every day (she didn't do it yesterday because she finished on Thursday) for about an hour each day.


They "meet" MWF evenings at 8pm Eastern time for an hour.


I don't know whether he plans to finish the book. They're currently in chapter 5 so I would say it's not likely! :)

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There's a girl in the class who always misses on Wed. nights, I think she has orchestra - you could always email the teacher if you are concerned.


My dd misses a LOT on Friday nights because we're traveling. The good thing is they can go read the ? transcript? whatever it's called - it's just time consuming to do it that way.


My dd always has something else she does during class - cross stitch or some other craft. She'll sometimes clean out her inbox :)

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