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I want my kids to write more papers


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I want my kids to write more papers...I am not one to come up with ideas on what to write.

We were using IEW and it was ok. I learned what I needed and then we went from there.


I would have them work on a paper every 2wks..gave them a topic and they went from there. Most of the time they waited until the last minute to do the paper.


I would love something that would say write a narrative, research, expository..etc and here are some topics.


Then I could use IEW for how to do those papers.


Anything out there like that?

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I thought through the kind of pieces I wanted Calvin to write (imaginative, expository, argument, etc.) then worked through the history topics for the year, picking out kinds of essays to write in turn. I came up with this list for SOTW 3 - doing a whole year in advance made it easy.


Best wishes




Boy that looks good. I wish something like that existed to go with my Sonlight core!!

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I thought through the kind of pieces I wanted Calvin to write (imaginative, expository, argument, etc.) then worked through the history topics for the year, picking out kinds of essays to write in turn. I came up with this list for SOTW 3 - doing a whole year in advance made it easy.


Best wishes




Ok, Laura, you are good girl! Your list is really stressing me out! Maybe you could come up with one for sOTW2?! I love how organized you are!

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Organised on some things, but you should see my kitchen counter - that little square right by the phone is four layers deep in chaos. I'm afraid I worked orally on SOTW 2 with both boys, so no lists in the offing. I'm working on SOTW 4 though.


I came up with the list when I was considering doing a pre-organised history core one year. I realised that all I really wanted was essay topics, so took a deep breath and wrote some.



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