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Could you take care of your kids alone all day long?

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Good point. While my husband can and does take care of our kids in whatever form is warranted (day, night, weekend, etc), I must admit that I only ask him to do so under specific circumstances. I have some regular (non-mandatory) groups with whom I meet, so that's one. Overnights or more that have particular importance, those too. And, if I asked him to be there so I could toodle off to a friend's house for the afternoon, he'd do that, too. I just don't generally ask.



This would be me. He is capable and can do it. He watches them when I go to one or two homeschool meetings a month. He takes them out with him on the weekend, etc. He has watched the little guy twice while I have been out of town for short while. He CAN do it, but he doesn't want to do it all the time. I always tell him it is not babysitting when they are his own kids. :lol:

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My dh is perfectly capable with our boys....as long as I don't mind coming home to a messy house and the fact that the boys have been playing video games most of the time I was gone. When they were younger I didn't like to leave them home with dh because I couldn't handle coming home to a wrecked house. I'm over that. LOL If I need time away, I take it.

I do understand though about the control thing. He even asks me sometimes when I get back how I haven't run away from home yet! LOL It makes him appreciate my patience and efforts more and is good for me as a mom to take a break.

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