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Need resource for making shapes from other shapes.


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I'm not sure what it's called when your child takes squares, triangles, etc. and copies a picture of a man, etc. using those shapes.


Anyone know what I'd call this and how I'd do a search? Or do you have a good resource for this?



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My dd just got a Magnetic Travel Tangoes set for her birthday. It's a magnetic tangram puzzle shaped like a book. Would be great for the car, but so far we've just had it around the house. It has pictures of 24 puzzles--some show the lines of the pieces and some don't. Then she builds the puzzles with the magnetic tangram pieces on the inside back cover of the "book". She plays with it on her own and enjoys it. She's my visual kid.

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We bought our son a "Mighty Mind" puzzle set for Christmas, and its been a lot of fun. He's 4.5 and I wished I'd purchased it when he was younger because he whipped through the first dozen puzzles in one sitting. But they do get harder, and there are follow-up sets that I'm already looking at buying.


Then there are "Tangrams", ancient (I believe) Chinese patterns based on a limited set of pieces that can be turned into all sorts of objects and shapes. One can make Tangram pieces oneself out of paper (or other materials) or purchase sets. An internet search will supply you with many sites devoted to Tangrams.



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