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What is an"intermediate knitter"...?

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I want to knit a few things for myself this year. That's right! I'm going to be selfish and actually do something for ME this year!! Smiles.


Anyway, there is a felted purse I want to knit...but, the directions state it is for an "intermediate to advanced" knitter.


I have used both DPNs and circulars...I know how to slip stitches, decrease, increase, bind off...I've done 95% of the stitches that are stated in the pattern. I've read through the directions and these are the abbreviations with the stitches I will need to know:



beg-begin, BO-bind off, CO-cast on, cont-continue, dec-decrease, G st-garter stitch (knit every row), K-knit, Kf/b - Knit in front & back to inc 1 st, P-purl, PM-place marker, PU-pick up, rem-remain(ing), rep-repeat, rnd(s) - round(s), K2togTBL - K2 tog through back of loop, st(s)-stitch(es), tog-together, St st - Stockinette Stitch, RS - right side, WS - wrong side; RH-right hand, LH-left hand, Sl-slip one, SSK - sl, sl, k - a left slanting dec [see this link for dec-inc information]


Thanks for any opinions as to what an "intermediate knitter" is.


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Don't worry about labels--- just jump in! There are tons of youtube videos, but a great site for knitting how-to videos is knittinghelp.com


The bag sounds wonderful-- I am addicted to felting! I've made tons of bags and purses, etc. It's so much fun! Just be sure you felt it in a top-loading washing machine. I've heard that the new front-loaders don't create enough agitation to really beat up the wool and felt it quickly.


LET US KNOW HOW IT GOES! And do join Ravelry....there's a WTM group there!


Hugs of encouragement!


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You know, if you can knit and purl and handle dpns (not that they're so difficult, just that people find them mysterious), I would think you can knit anything that's intermediate to advanced. So, you have to identify a right-leaning or left-leaning decrease or knit through the back loop... these aren't rocket science, they're just new variations.


The only thing I can think of that's an "advanced" challenge in the spirit of not being for the faint of heart is knitting a sock inside a sock. Or, maybe, some serious color work, but those are more advanced attention span than mad skill.


You'll do fine, and if there are any errors, who would know? It'll be felted. :D

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Thank you SO much for all the kind words! I'm going to do it. However, now I have the task of finding the "right" yard for the project. It calls for specific colors/types of Crystal Palace yarns. I may need to buy from a few different places...but, that's fine.


I can't wait to get started.




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Thank you SO much for all the kind words! I'm going to do it. However, now I have the task of finding the "right" yard for the project. It calls for specific colors/types of Crystal Palace yarns. I may need to buy from a few different places...but, that's fine.


I can't wait to get started.







You are so much smarter than I am. I would go down and pick one out from JoAnn Fabrics, then use the gauge information to do calculations and adjust the pattern. Isn't it no wonder I end up start, restarting, pulling out and re-knitting parts. I make it difficult on myself! :001_huh:


I think I do everything the hard way. :lol:



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