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ds, God, being "green" and other recommendations?

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This has some suggestions.


Some good things to focus on would be recylcing, renewable energy sources, water reclamation projects... as well as simple household changes.


If he'd like to begin taking this to a new level, look into the energy costs of your local government, and work to develop a plan that would help your local government save money and energy through green renewable energy (converting schools to geo-thermal, with a solar back-up, solar hot-water, rain barrells for irrigation, solar lighting (sola-tubes, fiber-optic, etc.) can save tens of thousands of dollars a year!


Here in VA, in a very rural county, the cost to heat/cool/light an elementary school is $30,000 a MONTH. Estimated monthly costs for energy under a more green scenario is less than $5,000 a month (or less, if the solar power generation is applicable). Funding a program like this wouldn't be easy -- but it truly is a long-term investment with tremendous payback in the long term.


Letter writing campaigns, letters to the editors -- sometimes, it's the mouths of babes that gets people to listen.

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50 Simple Things Kids Can do to Save Planet Earth is still around, I think.


Earth Day activities take place in some places more than others during the month of April every year.


We have a DK book that's entitled My First Green Book. I don't know if it's still in print, but libraries may have it.


Local animal shelters, parks, arboretums, etc. might have volunteer work they'd let him help with.


I'm watching news coverage night which says that prices are down so much for recyclables right now that lots of cities are cutting back on pickups, etc. I'm not sure what the economy is going to do to our recycling industry in the next year or so, but it might be better to steer him into another area right now.


Volunteering at food banks, soup kitchens, etc. is needed right now more than ever. As long as he's with a parent, most places will probably allow him to participate.


If you have the area to do it, you might look at letting him grow some things for your table over the summer.


Many utilities companies have energy surveys that kids can conduct around their houses with suggestions for ways to cut back on electricity, water usage, etc.

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I don't know if he would 'get it' yet, but the book

Wide Awake by Erwin Raphael McManus

is amazing for helping you 'focus' on your calling.

It is overwhelming to figure out on what and where you should focus your energy.


You can get the book, audio cd or even a dvd of the book at B&N.




Also, one of the BEST teachers I have ever encountered on the Christian faith is John Eldredge. You can find a ton of his material for free on itunes, youtube and on his websites. His books have been life-changing for my husband and I. He might even have a recommendation for you. Epic is a short read.....




Encourage him to keep listening!

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I was reading a book put out by one of the heirloom seed companies and they listed some interesting stats. You use about 89% less water by growing your own fruit and veg than buying them. We live in a drought area so water is an important issue. They also talked about energy usage, that in some places more energy is used to get to the supermarket than to grow the food on the farm. Then there's biodiversity, organics, supporting small business instead of large etc. "Lawns to Lunch" is a great book if you can find it in your library (it is Australian.) Lots of nice glossy pictures and personal stories, which your boy might like. They did a case study of Havana also. I was pretty impressed that a city could produce 70% of their own food, organically at that.

Growing veggies is a radical thing to do!



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