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Attention well-trained sparks:

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We miss you! We have 196 members and we'd love to have you jump back in with us. The school year and the holidays sometimes get in the way of our best intentions. Drop by and post on the forum today. Or journal in your blog. Let us know where you are. We're gearing up for a healthy 2009!




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I just joined the Sparks people. Now I have to figure this all out.


I set a very modest goal of 20 pounds this year. In reality, I could loose 40 and still be OK but I figure that I am more likely to stick with a smaller goal than a bigger one.


I had lost 70 pounds in a year but in the past year have gained about 8-10 back. Now I need to make sure I keep that off.


My biggest downfall is POP. I LOVE my Coke--so my goal for the week in only 1 pop for the entire week.


I already exercise quite a bit---walk 3 miles in 45 minutes twice a week with friends and then exercise DVDs 3-4 more days a week. I also go horseback riding 4-6 days a week when the weather is good.

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