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A shout out to some moms who haven't posted here in a while....

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moms like LaJuana, Tina in Ouray, Kathleen, and so forth. They haven't posted in a while so I'm wondering what's happening with them. I'm sure that I left some others out but I can't think of their names now. It seems that this board is a bit less classically oriented with those moms gone but I could be wrong. But there seems to be less posts on the teaching of the writing and reading in the rhetoric stage and more posts on math, science, and history, not that this is bad but I do miss those posts, that's all. Nan in Mass., Jean in Wisc., and Luann in ID and some others are still posting which I'm glad of. Thanks.

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moms like LaJuana, Tina in Ouray, Kathleen, and so forth. They haven't posted in a while so I'm wondering what's happening with them. I'm sure that I left some others out but I can't think of their names now. It seems that this board is a bit less classically oriented with those moms gone but I could be wrong. But there seems to be less posts on the teaching of the writing and reading in the rhetoric stage and more posts on math, science, and history, not that this is bad but I do miss those posts, that's all. Nan in Mass., Jean in Wisc., and Luann in ID and some others are still posting which I'm glad of. Thanks.


One of these people is no longer homeschooling and another has had health problems. The 3rd...I'm not sure.


After this year I'll have one left at home, and I'm spending more time grinding wheat, keeping the house clean, and brushing the donkey rather than coming here. I'm guessing the others are doing similar activities (maybe not brushing snow off the backs of donkeys).


I check my User Control Panel every day to see if anyone has dropped me a line, but I don't spend much time on the boards or even on the internet. I rarely read blogs and my own blog could use more of my time, but I just don't want to sit at the computer as much as I use to. I'm guessing that as our babies grow up, we start moving on to the next stage in life.


Surely there are a few of you who can fill our shoes. This is a very precious place. I could never have done my homeschooling without everyone here. I just hope that I've given back in return at least a portion of what I received.



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One of these people is no longer homeschooling and another has had health problems. The 3rd...I'm not sure.


After this year I'll have one left at home, and I'm spending more time grinding wheat, keeping the house clean, and brushing the donkey rather than coming here. I'm guessing the others are doing similar activities (maybe not brushing snow off the backs of donkeys).


I check my User Control Panel every day to see if anyone has dropped me a line, but I don't spend much time on the boards or even on the internet. I rarely read blogs and my own blog could use more of my time, but I just don't want to sit at the computer as much as I use to. I'm guessing that as our babies grow up, we start moving on to the next stage in life.


Surely there are a few of you who can fill our shoes. This is a very precious place. I could never have done my homeschooling without everyone here. I just hope that I've given back in return at least a portion of what I received.




Yep, I'm at this same "stage". Technically, I only have one child left to hs now. I can see the end now. They already work independently, but there's this one last, big push (the math and logic) and then they'll truly be directing their own studies from there. (Of course, we'll always do some of the Bible together as long as they live here.) They passed me years ago in most areas, so I could see this coming a ways back. But now I can 'feel' it. It feels sooo good. :) (never thought I'd hear myself say that!)


I'm already planning the next stage of my life. I talked to dh and he agreed I could buy myself a motorcycle (dirt bike) for buzzing around in the woods. I grew up riding motorcycles with my brother and dh. I used to ride them to work and to class in college (you can park right in front of the building ... no searching for parking places). I once had a cop stop me on my way to class when I was about 6 months pregnant with now-25yos. Told me my dh wasn't "taking care of me" because he let me ride a motorcycle when I was pregnant. lol


I want all our dc to learn to ride, too. And also learn to work on them.


Anyway, I don't flatter myself by thinking that I'll be missed, so to speak, here. I understand. I'm aware that our hs'ing is a little too close to the edge for this board. I just wanted to say that Jean makes an excellent point.

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