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What curriculum are you using for 8th grade?

Vida Winter

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We are pulling our daughter out of public school mid year (immediately). She was homeschooled K-5 and public schooled 6-8th so far. Although she is an A student I believe her skills have slipped, so I may not be able to be as on-grade as I had hoped. (We are pulling her out for other reasons than academic). If you could let me know what you are using it would be helpful. We are in the process of becoming Catholic so I'm not sure about some programs out there. I also homeschool a 3rd grader and a PK'er.





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Hi Dana....


As I mentioned in the other thread, I'm pulling my ds (8th grade) from a virtual academy (he's been there since Oct last year; homeschooled before that). I have some grand plans for high school, but we're not going extra heavy for the next semester. We have some other goals.


First and foremost, he's doing a cognitive skills training program. He'll actually do two if I can figure a way to afford the 2nd.


I went ahead and got the 9th grade Thinking Through Grammar program. I figure there is no reason to wait on that and there are 4 levels of it. Worst case scenario, he has more schooling than grammar. That seems like no big deal. I'm hoping the format helps him.


I got Wordsmith for writing, his weakest area. Also, on the high school board, there were a few writing suggestions outside a curriculum, such as working one paragraph at a time (good topic sentence, appropriate support, conclude). SWB's review of Wordsmith was positive but she felt it needed more practice so I figure we're covering those bases :)


I got TT Algebra I because though he was doing fine with Dolciani Algebra, I feel he has some basic math skills to work on. So he'll do Algebra and basic skills each day.


I picked a Beyond FIAR program. It's a little under him age wise, but he's young for his age and the message board really sounded like a 7th grader could enjoy the 3rd volume. If he were a girl, we would have gone with the Above and Beyond FIAR program and just filled it out a bit, but I really couldn't see doing that one with ds.


He is going to also focus on his Bible study. He'll have the studying for each meeting as well as our book for young people and our study book. We also have an awesome Bible Stories book that I thought I'd do with him so we could learn more of the basic accounts as well as chronology. With that, we'll include a memory verse per week.


And he'll have community service about 9-10 hours per week...well, that is the aim, but it'll be at least 5. He wants more so we'll aim as I feel possible at this point.


He'll also practice art (Draw Squad) and music (guitar) daily. And he's doing an exercise program.


So basically, we're focusing on 3R's and character but managed to get all subjects (history, science, music, and art, etc).


I probably would have made other choices for another kid but I think this is probably best for this kiddo and where he is and needs to get academically.

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The three 'Big' Catholic homeschool programs are:

Seton http://www.setonhome.org/

Kolbe http://www.kolbe.org

Mother of Divine Grace http://www.motherofdivinegrace.org/index.cfm MODG has lesson plans you can purchase per grade level.


An awesome Catholic website with reviews of materials for all subjects.... http://www.love2learn.net


I have a child in tenth, sixth, and second grade. I also have three under school age. I can tell you what I have used and what we will in the future.


For grade 8:


Religion: Since you are in the process of becoming Catholic, a good foundation can be built using an older classic catechism http://www.setonhome.org/curriculum/seeinside.php?ToView=P-RL07-12 You can purchase an answer key which has the answers to the discussion questions,the true and false, and fill in the blanks. Sacred Heart Books and Gifts has the best prices on almost every subject you would need http://www.sacredheartbooksandgifts.com/


Math: I have purchased Chalkdust http://www.chalkdust.com for my children to use. I do have to warn you........it is expensive! It has been worth every penny at our home.


Science: we use Apologia.


History: I try to combine Bible and Church history with the history cycle we are on. We try to follow TWTM. I use some MODG plans for history, they are broken down into daily lessons. MODG uses different texts along with living history books.


Reading: This correlates with History, we use the TWTM list as well as MODG. MODG recommends a series of reading comp http://www.epsbooks.com/dynamic/catalog/series.asp?seriesonly=600M Seton has some reading comp books as well.


English(Grammar): Shurley level 7 along with Editor in Chief

Spelling: Megawords

Vocabulary: Worldy Wise


Latin: Henle


I hope this helps a little. I'll say a prayer for you and you daughter.



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Hi, Dana. :001_smile:


Here is what my boys are doing this year in 8th:


Worldview - Summit Ministry's Lightbearers

Math - parts of NEM 1 and 2

Classical Writing - Diogenes: Maxim/Chreia

Lingua Latina

Tapestry of Grace - Year 3

Science - Interactive Science 2 (they've barely gotten started on this)


If I were you, I would definitely read Drew's Latin Centered Curriculum before you decide on a plan. Maybe you could read and process everything while your dd has a little decompression time.

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