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Phonics pathways question with my K-ds


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We are at the endings -ink and -ank. My ds is having trouble spelling with the double consonants with a y ending from previous pages (when we review writing words) and gets a bit confused. Should I keep going ahead, since he is reading okay and just focus on getting him reading or should we spend extra time getting the spelling/writing down now before moving ahead?

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My dd is in k and is close to where you are. Ummm.... I don't have my dd spell the words. I think with a children as young as ours, you go through the book first to learn to read then you can go through the book as a speller. WTM says to not worry about writing when learning to read because you can learn to read faster than you can learn to write.


Here is an excerpt form PP's downloads on teaching spelling:



Learning how to read and spell by logical patterns develops clear,

analytical thinking, a skill which enhances math and other disciplines.

Math scores frequently rise without any math tutoring at all!

Spelling rules are incorporated with reading lessons throughout

Phonics Pathways and are introduced in patterns when the sound or spelling is first presented. They are taught one at a time, from simple to complex. (Do we not remember names much better when we meet people one at a time, rather than all at once in a group?)

At first spelling should just be an "exposure" for the students just

to show them the logic of the language. After reading is more

established, toward the end of the book, it is time to go back to the

first spelling rule presented and begin teaching spelling in earnest.

Each student will need a notebook with three dividers in it: one

section for copywork, one for dictation, and one for "trouble words." Just follow the detailed directions in "Spelling Strategies" on page

238 of Phonics Pathways, which lays out a step-by-step sample

lesson to use as a guide when teaching spelling.

Spelling today is frequently taught randomly, taken from stories being read. What if we learned math times tables randomly: 10x7, 12x3, etc? When spelling is taught by patterns spelling improves dramatically!

For example: Why are some words spelled -able and others -ible,

as in appeasable, visible, dependable, edible? There is one rule that

covers over 90% of these words. It is so much easier learning one

rule for many words than it is learning each word individually!

Hot Tips: See page 239 for an index to all of the spelling rules and


Also, It you will look on page 5 of PP's you will see that page 105 is equivalent to a 2nd grade reading level. That means you are trying to have you k'er do 2nd grade spelling. I am having my dc to ETC 1,2,&3 as the "spelling" portion.

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That's great that you're doing spelling, I find it helpful to do spelling at the same time.


However, I would move on in that case and work on spelling that next year...or maybe even 2nd grade!


That's more of a rule based problem, I know with my daughter, she has trouble learning anything rule-based right now, and even more so last year in K.


We did pattern based spelling from Webster's Speller last year, and are working a bit on rules this year with PP.

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We are at the endings -ink and -ank. My ds is having trouble spelling with the double consonants with a y ending from previous pages (when we review writing words) and gets a bit confused. Should I keep going ahead, since he is reading okay and just focus on getting him reading or should we spend extra time getting the spelling/writing down now before moving ahead?


I had a similar question last year b/c we were trying to do spelling or dictation for many of the words and found that the reading was going well, but the spelling was not. So, we decided to move on with the PP reading and drop the spelling.


We completed ETC 1 & 2 and then dropped this b/c the reading was going well. But have since been convinced, through this site, to continue w/ ETC. So, we read PP w/o the spelling and complete a couple ETC3 pages(these 2 do not coordinate).



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