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Memoria Press Enrichment Guides


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29 minutes ago, Lovinglife123 said:

I know for sure someone mentions they use this.  It looks like a more doable five in a row program which is what I want.  Has anyone done preschool program?  K enrichment, 1st and 2nd enrichment?  Thanks

I haven't used the lower two grades, but we are using the 2nd grade enrichment this year.  We have really enjoyed it, and it hasn't been too much "extra" since we chose not to do Latin.  

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If you like the read aloud books you'd like them.... I'm too picky about books. MP uses good ones I just want to choose my own. I have used parts of some of those enrichment guides and liked them as long as I wanted to read that book that week. Easy craft, bit music, picture to look at...

I was already doing the Simply Charlotte Mason Enrichment so alot was too redundent.

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47 minutes ago, countrymum said:

If you like the read aloud books you'd like them.... I'm too picky about books. MP uses good ones I just want to choose my own. I have used parts of some of those enrichment guides and liked them as long as I wanted to read that book that week. Easy craft, bit music, picture to look at...

I was already doing the Simply Charlotte Mason Enrichment so alot was too redundent.

I've been looking at the SCM family studies since there is no MP enrichment for the older ones.  It looks amazing, but I am always worried about our time.


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We do some in the morning some in the afternoon (I think it will all be afternoon next year;) and we're going to start it this summer. The kids don't think of it as school. So I was going to spread it into summer so we don't have to do it all every school day. I am just going to take as long as necessary to go through it..... otherwise we never get to art and some handicrafts....


O I've never tried their schedule...just done my own thing with SCM stuff. For instence we've done their art cards since my son was in K. We sporadically use laying down the rails, we use the scripture memory system and cards almost every morning. We use SCM hymn book about 2X a week.... We've used different art.

I'm getting a schedule for next year. That's what is starting this summer. The kids like the looks of the art.

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We used the Jr.K. At the time they only offered a two day a week JrK and I broke it into three days. I remember some the books weren’t to our taste but ultimately it was fine. A lot of people don’t like the crafts, but we liked them. 

We did MFW-K (mistake!) and half way through I dropped it and we doubled up on MP’s K enrichment. So we didn’t do everything. I loved the K though. My son was meh on the art and music. We listened to the music at snack. 😂 I really liked the science and history books that paired up with the literature. I bought most of them and we still read them! 

I think I read on the MP Forum once that you could combine and loop the K-2 enrichment if you had several kids.

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