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Moms like Dance Moms = trouble

Ting Tang

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Have you ever dealt with one of THOSE team moms who makes rude remarks about other people's children (i.e. she is not as good as them with regard to a group of high school girls)?  It seems like she is here to stay. The kids are on a team but are also soloists, so they do compete against each other.  I also never say "compete against each other," though.  I always say, "with" as an FYI.  Most of the kids are friends, but she does pick them apart. She recently started using our specific coach (there is a group), and I admit, it bugs me big time.  

My husband said steer clear and focus on our daughter only.

My thought is that she may earn a reputation and go away, but I also know that might not ever happen.  

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There is one mom like that in our dance school and I just steer clear unless she causes issues during performances. Then I let staff know that she is making dancers uncomfortable and just bringing tension into the dressing room. When that happened, they listened and dealt with it 

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I have. One mom was saying not nice things about my son. Saying isn't the right word. Yelling at her son on the field about my son. I was in a different spectator section and another mom alerted me to the situation. The mom was so intent in her yelling that she didn't notice me slide in behind her so I could hear her for myself. The next time she started the yelling I leaned forward and told her quietly to stop talking about my son. Oh boy, did that set her off. She jumped up and started yelling in my face and acting like she wanted to fight. I guess I should have walked away but I didn't. I just sat in my spot and kept saying, "I'm not afraid of you." Over and over again until she realized what an ass she was being and sat back down. I went back to the section where I had been watching the game. After that, surprisingly, she was friendly with me. For years our boys were on the same team but she never yelled like that again and was always kind. I don't know if she was embarrassed or not but it worked. Can't say I'd suggest this for everyone but for this person that was what was needed.

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So today this person made a comment about my daughter not doing things well today.  My daughter was not having a good practice at all.  So we left...  ugh.  It's one thing if you want to help a kid with something, but to say something for the sake of it pointing out what went wrong...no thank you.

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