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Switch from AAR to phonics pathways or similar


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I had a couple like that, including my current 5 yo. I’ve basically been chasing his phonics learning ever since, because we can’t go fast enough to keep up. I switched to Dancing Bears and Progressive Phonics initially, which was good for a little while, but then he just started reading everything. We’re continuing to go through them because there are some sound patterns he hasn’t gotten yet and I don’t want him to miss anything, but I do a lot of just explaining those on the fly when he’s reading books out loud to me and stumbles on a sound. 

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I just flew through AAR with my 2nd. In hindsight pausing after 3 and saving level 4 till about 3rd grade would have perhaps been better. I'm glad she got the phonics though. We're doing AAS now and she is going alot faster through it than big brother but she isn't a natural Speller and it is helping a lot. We do it together 3X a week and the other 2 days she just studies her cards. I wouldn't start AAS till 1st or 2nd grade or it seems like brain maturity for level 2 and 3 is not there...or something.

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